Back in Shelby Township

May 08, 2006 01:03

So I am back home in Shelby Township. I wish I was still in Kalamazoo and could live there in the summer, that seems to be where my life is now.

I got a job at Wet Seal, I hope I do not hate it...

Long distance relationships suck - I miss Dave more than I thought I would, and thats not to sound bitchy - I just thought it would be easier. It's not, and I hope things stay how they are because I am happy where they are at.

I am glad I got to leave a certain friend though - but I guess shit happens with that. I hope she lets me know when she becomes mature - or grow up enough to not post myspace bulletins when shes angry.

I can *not* wait to move in to my house August seems like it is never going to come. Partying with Carmie, Ann Marie and Veronica this weekend was *so* much fun. I wish we had more time to just hang out and talk.

I have to buy a car this summer, my Dad's being cool about it, we talked about it today. I like my Dad more and more as I age. I forgive him for what he did to me, and I hope he has forgiven me for what I have done. I like how he no longer talks down to me like I am a fucking idiot.

My brother and I are getting along. Some arguments - usually my fault because I can be snappy.

I plan on getting another tattoo this summer for my brother.

Friends are returning home from college, even if its just for a few days for those who own places.

And last - I have not gone in to my sister's room yet, but I have only cried 4 times. I feel thats an improvement, but I still miss her like hell. Right now a little more since I wish I could tell her about my freshmen year of college and my life in general...My heart will never heal with her gone, she was the greatest person in the world.
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