Oct 31, 2011 11:30
So I am going to be working tonight on Halloween. This is bound to be interesting for we deal with a lot of homeless as well as addictions. Some people will be dressed up today at work, which is bound to be interesting.
On friday it was a horrible shift. It was the first shift where I was like "this is completely shitty, I am so out of here". I was called into the office of my boss and told that there are a lot of mistakes I have been making. So the discussion was logged in e-mail and sent to a few people. The thing that still pisses me off about it is that they were such easy things to fix, yet no one said anything about these things for weeks and weeks. So a little problem became a big ongoing problem. And that shouldn't be my fault. Even though I am making the mistakes, they would have been solved many moons ago and we could be cheerfully working together by now if I had just known what was going on.
Stupid whatever shit.
So today I don't want to go in. I really really don't. It took all of my effort to get up this morning. I really don't want to get involved with anything that is going to stress me out. Tonight might not be bad at all, but Friday was such a gong show that I wonder about whether or not I might be in more trouble because of something that I did. I don't even know. I am not good at my job. But I want to be.
3 Hours and 45 minutes. 3 hours and 45 minutes. 3 Hours and 45 MINUTES. Who knew that that little time could give me so much anxiety today.