A thought...

Jul 20, 2009 16:33

In my trawling of the (notably brilliant) slash fiction on LJ, I have noticed that many people, if not most people, slash more than one fandom. I have often come across someone I've seen in another fandom's comm, or seen slash icons for a different fandom thant the one being posted in (like me lol). Now, I wasn't surprised by this at all, but it got me thinking, are the sheer numbers of slashers on Lj an illusion from all the doubling up? How many fandoms would an average slasher slash? Are people who slash Doctor Who more lkely to slash Supernatural, or vice versa, or does it make not difference? It's a purely intellectual question that would serve absoulutly no one by being answered, but I'm curious all the same. The inner geek in me wants a table with usernames down one side and fandom across the top, with lots of happy ticks in the middle.

Alas, I suppose my curiosity ill never be satisfied, but if you feel like it, you could comment with the fandoms you've either written in or regularly read. Who knows, you might find some one with all the same fandoms and make a new friend lol.

Mine are: Top Gear, Merlin, Supernatural, Jumper (not dr who though, which i was surprised to realise)
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