Jumper mini-challenge 'Heartless'

Sep 13, 2008 14:02

Jumper mini-challenge (9. Griffin wishing he could love David like he deserves)

PG, one swear

Nothing had changed since they started fucking. During the day Griffin still treated David with the same mocking disdain he always had, David still followed him around like a lost puppy and their tense, uneasy truce of a friendship continued. It was as though the hot, hard tumbles in the night didn’t exist. They slept in the same bed for convenience, but they never touched, or god forbid cuddled, aside from their violent, almost animalistic coupling.
Griffin new that David wanted more, he could see it in his eyes, feel it in the way he reached for him as they lay panting, but Griffin just shut him out, shrugged him off, he couldn’t give anymore than he was already giving, as little as that was.
He stood beside his bed (his, not theirs) watching David sleep, a fresh bruise already darkening the taller jumper’s neck. David snuffled in his sleep, turning to burrow into the warmth his fellow jumper (never lover) had left behind. Choking back a sob Griffin quietly collected his clothes and jumped to a small mountain near the Himalayas to watch the sun rise.
As the sun started to peek above the horizon Griffin contemplated his fate. He wanted nothing more in the world than to love David, but he was incapable. He needed David; he desperately needed him, like a drug, a fix, an addiction, but he couldn’t love him. Griffin had lost the ability to love a long time ago. The day he watched his parents die he tore his burning heart out of his chest and watched it turn to dust. He had stopped it hurting, that was all that mattered, it never occurred to him he might need it again.
A man with no heart couldn’t love, and David deserved to be loved.
He new he had to leave, let David move on to someone who could give him what he wanted. He would leave. As soon as he found the courage.
The hole where Griffin’s heart used to be ached as he sat on that mountain.  
As he wept for what might have been.

jumper, fic

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