With A Holy Kiss. A sam/dean fic.

Nov 05, 2007 11:25

Title: With A Holy Kiss
Fandom: Supernatural
Warnings: Slash themes, wincest, nothing graphic
Summary: A history of sam and dean.
AN: I always thought my first slashfic would be Dr who or heroes, but sam/dean is almost too easy.

It all started when Dean was almost four, just an innocent question.
"Daddy? Why do you kiss Mummy on the mouth?"
John Winchester suppressed a laugh at his always surprising son. "Because it shows how much I love her." He answered simply.
Dean nodded his little head gravely, thinking about his father's answer.
"So, when you kiss Mummy, you're saying 'I love you'."
"Yes, Dean," John shook his head in amazement, "That's it exactly." It never ceased to amaze him how quickly his son understood things.
                Later that night, Dean lay curled up on his Mummy's swollen tummy. "I love you." His whispered to the little brother or sister he couldn't wait to meet, and placed a soft kiss on his Mummy's belly button.

A few weeks later, Dean held his little brother for the first time. Grinning like mad, he cuddled the baby close to his chest, careful to keep his head away from the hard arm rest of the hospital chair. Dean had never seen anything as amazing as the tiny, perfect bundle he held in his arms. "I love you, Sammy." He said.
John chuckled to himself as the little boy gave the baby a quick kiss on the lips. Remembering an earlier conversation with his son, John thought he might need to explain more later.

John never had a chance to have that conversation with his son, for a few months later, their life was turned upside down.
Dean cried every night for his Mummy, and he never forgot to give his brother a goodnight kiss.

As the years went by, Sammy grew bigger. Dean nearly burst with joy the first time Sammy kissed him. After that, they always did it. It was how they said hello, or goodbye, or 'I love you'. After a while, John started to notice, and eventually sat them both down to have a long talk. Dean and Sammy didn't understand, how could it be wrong to tell your brother you loved him? They didn't stop, now they just made sure their dad wasn't looking.

When they were both teenagers, their dad made them read through all sorts of holy texts. One day, they were sitting at the table, Dean with the Koran, Sam with the Bible, when Sam suddenly laughed.
"What?" Dean asked, puzzled at his brother's sudden mirth.
"Listen to this.'Greet your brother with a holy kiss'" He quoted, grinning.
Dean suppressed a snort of laughter. "You love to take things out of context, don't you?"
Sam merely grinned and went back to his reading.

Their kisses changed when Sam was seventeen, and Dean was twenty-one. Dean had always made sure Sam set the limits, making sure their 'I love you'-s never became to much for his Sammy to handle. Which was why he didn't  fight when his Sammy started to make their kisses longer, when he started to stroke his hands over Dean's chest. It was another was to say I love you, so Dean was glad to reciprocate.

When Sam was eighteen, their was a huge fight. Sam left for college, for a normal life. Dean cried himself to sleep for many nights, muffling his cries in his pillow.
It was the first time in his life he hadn't kissed his Sammy goodbye.


sam/dean, fic, supernatural

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