Blood Stone Chapter 12

Apr 28, 2006 19:52

After a year or more I actually wrote something and it is the next installment of Blood Stone, which ya guys may or may not remember or care about anymore, but as I said it's been forever since I wrote anything so I can only hope my writing is halfway decent.

No real warning with this chapter, a little angst, a little love, a little humor I guess you could say.

GW and its characters do not belong to me in any way shape or form. Bandai and its various partners get that privilege.

The long awaited chapter 12 of Blood Stone. It’s been so long and for those of you who have e-mailed me and pestered me about this I am truly sorry it took this long, hopefully Chapter 13 will be out soon.

And as well for those of you who’ve stuck with this story I throw out my gratitude and thanks. Thank you, thank you thank you.

In this chapter I explain how wolves die without their mate which may draw questions as to how Heero’s father survived for years after losing Heero’s mother and then Relena’s mother, but this will be explained in later chapters.

Hope the wait was worth it…enjoy:


Trowa’s left eyebrow casually arched, as his eyes caught the sight of the familiar slip of a girl that clung somewhat tightly onto his Lord’s jersey as he rode through the grand heavy doors that was the entrance way into the castle. His ears picked up the sound of Wufei’s footsteps and before the other wolf-man could join him onto the balcony he spun on his heel, blocking his way.

Almond-shaped ebony eyes narrowed even more as the Asian took a step back from his friend who seemed to be blocking his path on purpose. “What’s up with you?”

With a sly smile and slipping into a manner that was carefree Trowa blew off Wufei’s suspicions. “Nothing, really, just some vulgar humans doing vulgar human things and since I know how you loathe many human behaviors I’ve decided to save you the pain of seeing such things.”

Having no reason to suspect his friend of lying, Wufei ran his hand through his loose raven locks and turned around. “Thank you. I swear, the sooner we get to go back to Blood Stone the happier I’ll be. Why the hell did Heero have to bring me along?”

A solid hand clamped onto his shoulder and he heard Trowa speaking once again. “You have always been greatly trusted by our Lord. He respects you. It is an honor.” The tawny haired man’s hand fell from the shorter man’s shoulder and patted his back good-naturedly. “Now, why don’t we go get some lunch?”

“If nothing else, I have to admit human food is most appealing.” Wufei mumbled in a begrudging tone as he followed Trowa out of their chamber door.


Relena released a tense breath, her hands somewhat raw from where she had been nervously wringing them together. Beside her was Heero, his arms crossed over his chest.

“I am certain that her majesty will approve my request. We are allies after all.”

“I’ve heard things…about the Queen…none of them nice. She really does treat her people rather poorly.”

Heero laid a gentle hand upon his intended’s back, stroking her hair with his open palm. “I assure you things will be fine. As of now, she needs us and so, she will abide by anything that I ask of her.”

“So you say…then, I trust you, Heero.” She leaned into him as he enveloped her into his arms. The brief comfort was interrupted however, by the appearance of Dorothy, requesting their presence before the Queen. They followed her into one of the many studies, Relena bowed respectfully as she came to stand before the ruler of Romafel.

“No formalities are necessary, my dear.” Mariemeia fingers caressed the peasant girl’s cheek, coming to rest under her chin. Relena was forced to look up at the red-haired woman, who looked so elegant and graceful, compared to any woman she had ever known; the Queen continued. “My cousin has explained to me the situation and I made the decision to allow you to take refuge into my castle, until it is the time for, er, your champion, shall I say, to come and collect you.”

The wolf girl swallowed slowly, for even though she was not intimidated in the least by her Majesty, there was a cold, sinister aura about her, which made Relena feel uneasy. Still she curtsied once again, breaking the hold that Mariemeia had on her. “From the bottom of my heart you have my gratitude and devotion, my lady. I shall see to it that I will make a most gracious guest while I am here in your keep.”

“I’m sure you will, Relena, is it? Now, if you would please follow my servant, she will escort you to your room.”

“With all due respect, your highness,” injected Heero. “Miss Relena will be rooming with me.”

A sly smile played upon the Queen’s amused face. “I most certainly understand, Lord Heero…it makes one glad that the walls in this castle are so incredibly thick. You may take leave. I’m feeling rather fatigued and wish to rest.”

With a curt bow, Heero grasped one of Relena’s elbows lightly, tugging her in the direction that would lead her to his room.

Once they had left Mariemeia could not help but begin to chuckle, which joined her cousin’s giggle. “It is her. I’m sure of it. If I had seen her on any given day not knowing it was her I would swear it was the ghost of my late step-mother coming back to haunt me. How I loathed that woman.”

“How quaint that your half sister ends up being alive after all of these years…so tell me…how is it you’re going to deal with her?”

Turning elegantly to face Dorothy, the fire of pure evil alit in the Queen’s eyes. “Oh I shall treat her as if she were my dearest friend…and then…when it is time to dispose of the wolves I shall make sure she dies along with her feral lover.


Having left Relena to settle into her new surroundings, Heero walked briskly toward the chambers where his two underlings were rooming. His hand was poised to rap upon the thick wooden door, though before he could make contact the door swung open and there, meeting him chest to face was Trowa. Heero cursed lightly at the injustice of Trowa inheriting a tall, broad shouldered build.

His blue eyes, however then met Trowa’s green ones and he could tell by the knowing glint that was alit in them that the taller man knew exactly what was going on.

The lupine leader snarled. “If you have anything to say, speak your mind now.”

Stepping aside to allow his commander entrance, Trowa spoke most matter-of-fact. “I’m not surprised in the least. I knew that when you became wise to her whereabouts that you would pursue her. “’Tis our nature is it not to chase after that which we choose as our mate, even if it is into the depths of hell itself?”

“Does Wufei suspect?”

“He is still in the dark about the matter and I will not be the one to break to him the news that after this battle you will be abandoning us for that human woman.”

Heero drew a deep breath, his friend’s words paining him somewhat. He looked at him from across the room. The smug look was gone, replaced by one of hurt and betrayal. “Is that truly how you see it? That I am abandoning my clan.”

“And how would you describe it?” Snapped his comrade; one of the few of the clan that was afforded such liberties when speaking with their Lord.

Closing his eyes, the brunette male bowed his head, accepting the wrath of his best friend, the one friend who had understood him the most out of all of his hunting pack, even better than his cousin Duo. “Saying that I am sorry will not condone my actions, I realize that, but I made a vow…”

“You made a vow to our clan my Lord as well, did you not…to take your father’s place in leading us?”

“I am not my father!” Heero found himself yelling back at his subordinate.

Not showing any sign of backing down, Trowa, his voice low, but even keeled once again, spoke. “Can you say with an honest heart that your words are in fact the truth?”

Growling low, the head of the wolf clan turned away from his friend, not wanting to admit to himself the truth. Like his father, he had indeed fallen in love with a human female, and like his father as well, he was allowing her to take over his life, consume his soul, and turn his back on the only family he had ever known. His pack, his blood, his entire reason for existence up until now, but somehow those facts did not pain him as much as he thought that they would. He had made a choice and he would follow through on his promise to Relena, just as he would follow through on his promise to fight alongside his brothers in the next day’s battle against Milliardo.

“Duo has always wanted my position…desired it beyond anything else. He will make a fine replacement. He is strong and smart, though somewhat rash at times, but then, aren’t we all?”

Bowing his head once again, Trowa looked away from his leader and most trusted friend. “To follow one’s heart is truly noble, however, if word leaks out you may not find your warriors as faithful, something which is most important for victory in tomorrow’s skirmish.”

In front of the taller man now, Heero forced him to look him into his eyes, hands clasped tightly onto his shoulders. “And what of you, my friend, will you stand by my side? Will you keep your silence of this until tomorrow’s fury is over?”

Swallowing back his tears, Trowa stood tall and firm once again. “I have vowed loyalty to my lord…my friend until death and for that reason alone, I will keep silent and be your shield and your claws even if it costs me my life.” He then broke free from his leader’s grip, turning briskly to exit the room as he continued to speak. “Though after tomorrow our friendship will end and my loyalty to you will be no more, for the pain of your decision weighs too heavy on my heart.”

With a curt nod Heero’s watery eyes bore into Trowa’s back. “Thank you.”


Feeling quite overwhelmed and in awe of the room she had been placed into, Relena could not help but run her hands over the delicacies within, the fine, silken drapes as blue as the sky, the gold of the bed knobs which bordered the biggest, softest bed she had ever seen. She smiled and shivered slightly. To live in such excess and luxury…how amazing it must be.

The wolf girl then approached the grandfather clock that occupied the wall opposite the bed, its light, freshly polished wood shimmering in the bright yellows and oranges of the sunset. Her fingertips breezed over the glass and opened its door to investigate its large dark hands and gleaming golden bells which were too much of a temptation not to touch. She pulled lightly on the middle bell and as she did Relena was thrown back somewhat when the wall beside the clock began to part, revealing the secret it had been keeping behind it. There, lit up by wall hung torches, was a long descending stairway seemingly leading to nowhere-other then what a young woman’s imagination could fancy.

Relena quickly pulled the bell as she heard Heero at the bedchamber door, and just as the passage closed, the barrier which her lover stood behind opened. He tilted his head, giving her a questioning look, to which she gave back to him an expression of innocence and sweetness.

She hurried over to him and entwined his fingers with hers, tugging him gently until both of them were on the bed. The blonde sighed most light heartedly while kissing her man most whole heartedly, before pulling away when she sensed his uneasiness. Heero sat them both up and Relena knew right away the problem.

“You spoke to Trowa, didn’t you…he knows, about us. Don’t worry I caught a glimpse of him as we were riding in…his eyes were so cold to me.”

“He has been a dearest friend and most trusted ally to me. Even when I struggled with my feelings for you he was supportive despite his reservations and now…now it seems what he feared will come to pass.”

“Then don’t do this!” Relena knuckle’s turned white as she curled them tightly around Heero’s jersey, forcing him to make eye contact with her. “I am not worth you giving up everything you hold dear, everything you’ve ever known! Yes, I love you…I want you…but I will find a way…to live without you…I will not die for lack of a man, even the one I love.”

Her voice was now but a mere whisper as she pushed him away to rise to her feet, wiping away her tears, offering him only the view of her back. “Please Heero, I do not wish for you to become a target of their wrath…I grew up knowing that hate, a hate so strong that the mere thought of it chills me to the bone even to this very day. Who am I to ask you to give up such respect, such power, such love? I am nobody Heero, certainly nothing compared to them.”

Relena could only catch her breath as she felt herself spun and pinned back against the wall, Heero’s strong hands cupped tightly around her throat. His breath was seething with hurt and anger as he spoke.

“Are you saying my choice is wrong…that I have made a mistake to choose one who is beneath me…you foolish woman how so like a human to take emotions for granted!”

A small whimper escaped Relena jolting Heero into the realization that he was hurting her. The wolf lord released her immediately only to pull her against him, causing both of them to sink to the floor…Heero desperate…no longer caring about pride or honor choked out his words.

“Do you not understand, Relena…Relena…how intense my feelings are for you? Unlike most humans it is our nature to mate for life so that once we have chosen that mate we will forever be a part of them. You say that you would not die with me out of your life…but my days….my days Relena, would most certainly end if you were not a part of my existence! And though that fact will incur their wrath toward me, part of them will understand, for they realize that I cannot turn off my emotions…I cannot deny them, though I’ve tried only to cause nothing but pain for myself…for you. It is my fault, I realize for you feeling so unworthy of me, my people, and for that I am very sorry.”

He buried his face even deeper into her shoulder. “But as I vowed last night, I will always love you…be with you, show you that you are in fact worthy of me and that I am worthy of you.”

With her fingers in his hair and her tears moistening both of their faces Relena kissed Heero’s cheek, her words ghosting in his ear. “Forgive me Heero, I did not mean to take your emotions so light, but with the foolishness of a martyr I did in fact lie. For most certainly I would suffer a most horrid death inside if I knew you would ever place me out of your life. I love you Heero until the end of my existence and never will I forget nor make you regret all that you have given up to love me.”

Their foreheads now met, theirs eyes both gracing each others raw emotions as their lips slowly melded together, Relena catching her breath again as Heero swung her up into his arms and carried over to the bed. Perhaps it was time to test just how thick the castle walls really were.

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