Title: Maybe Sort Of Slightly Wanting More
Prompt: While giving Sharon relationship advice, Brenda realizes that she has feelings for her.
Challenge: The Closer FicFest
Fandom: Brenda/Sharon, The Closer/Major Crimes
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 4357
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: The full prompt for this story was: “40. Brenda helps Sharon out with some relationship advice (a.k.a. sitting around drinking wine and listening to Sharon bitch) in her relationship with another woman and ends up realizing she's in love with Sharon -- but was her advice too good and she just fixed the relationship she now realizes she'd rather break up? (Bonus!Complication if Brenda and Fritz are still married).” I hope I managed to do this prompt justice and that it’s a believable scenario. Comments are greatly appreciated! Enjoy!