Sep 22, 2008 01:50
so been super super super super super busy. been working 50+ hrs a week for the past few months between wedding stuff and mini trips to places like alaska.... yep i've been up to alaska now...
so where to start.... i love being married i love my husband more and more everyday. we've been married for almost 2 months yet and still no babies but hey trying is always the most fun. we dont talk to the inlaws as much as we should due to me thinking guns are good by the time we leave. they drive me nuts.....
we had our party and cake that was a good day i had my mommy here and my dad... i love my parents and i love showing my mom what i've done with my life after leaving on a pipedream of something better.... well my pipe burst into something wonderful.
a few days after the party and working everyday up to i left for the wonderful state of alaska. i've always had a different type of thing w/the whole god stuff... well after everything in the past year i cant say its as bad anymore. while in alaska it was suppose be be raining and cold as all get out. it rained the day i left to go home only. i believe it was a gift. i say this because in my 27 years i've never lost a parent or grandparent.
i did have some that died years before i was born but i've been lucky and never lost one i knew.
the morning i left for alask,that all changed. i didnt find out still after i, yes me, climbed a mountain!!! it was something that tells you someone had a plan in this crazy world. it was wonderful to see the world from up there. the waterfalls and colors beautiful. something we are blessed to have and see. i came down from the mountain to get the call from my dad that his mother my grandma vi had passed sunday morning about 3 hours before i left. no one called but i think i should of known she wouldnt of wanted the rain to ruin my trip. it was short soo much more we wanted to do and see, but i've got time to enjoy life and get back up there. i've got pictures i'll post at a later time.
i'm back home working on getting things fixed up before i take some time off work to work on my marriage and hopes for babies and family. my father isnt any better then he was in may but still alive.
i cant wait for the holidays this year. i get to do an old time christmas with mark. even going to cut down our own tree and make memories to pass done to children to come. we're spending christmas in indiana and if i get my way thanksgiving in las vegas or L.A. we love flying for free. theres a trip to new york and boston in the mix. not sure if we're going to head to philly or not. oh and there is the trip to dallas in november too.
well i'm at work maybe i should do some now.