(no subject)

Jan 30, 2016 13:16

Well, maybe I'll keep this journal for a bit more. I felt like writing and I'm too lazy to create another blog. Holy shit, this got long.

Mostly health stuff.
Gut: My Crohn's is in remission but I have inflammation in my large intestine too. Once we figured that out and changed medications, I feel so much better. I've had maybe three really bad episodes in the last few months. Looking bad to see what I posted about I noticed that I hadn't ever posted that I had an allergic reaction to Humira. I gave myself my injection and within seconds, my throat felt funny. I called my mom into the room and told her to watch me for anything strange and I thought I was having a reaction. I took my pulse, which was normal. Mom said I was turning red. We waited for a little bit to see if I was going to start having breathing issues, which I did not. I took an antihistamine and called my doctor. He immediately took me off it.

Hands: For the last six months or so, my hands have been HORRIBLE. Blisters that break and the fluid causes dry, cracking skin, itching and red. Like, tomato red. Also, the cracks are DEEP. And the skin has caught on things and pulled off huge hunks. I've been wearing gloves to different reasons. One, so I can kinda protect myself from infection or touching anything that'll hurt. But also vanity. I've seen some looks at my uncovered hands. I joke that I have leprosy with my family but truth be told, my hands are hideous and it's not fun.

My family doctor tried to treat it but the ointment wasn't helping and burned like fucking acid but to be fair, water felt like acid too. I finally got to see a dermatologist on Monday. I have two forms of eczema on different body areas. One is just "eczema." But my hands are Dyshidrotic eczema, which is more severe and aggressive. If you look that up, be warned, some of the photos are pretty gnarly. The dermatologist gave me new cream. Holy shit. My right hand looks nearly normal and my left, which is usually the worst even looks a little better. Some of the bright red discoloration might be permanent but I've actually ventured out of my house without gloves! It's a large improvement within so short a time.

The unexplained dizziness/muscle weakness: I guess I never posted anything about this. In September, I had an...episode where I felt like I was going to pass out and my muscles were severely weakened. I couldn't hold myself on my feet. This triggered a panic attack. So, I'm about to pass out and I can't breath. I had to call 911. On the way to the hospital, I DID pass out. Dunno how long. Diagnosed as "viral syndrome" which basically means they don't know and I might have a viral infection. Go to family doctor and find out my white cell count is pretty high. Meds, etc. Start feeling somewhat better but about two weeks later, it happens again but with the added feeling of numbness/cold in my arms and legs. Go back to family doctor. Go for a EMG, which is a test where they pretty much taser your muscles to see if they respond and then they stick needles into your muscles to see the electrical impulses. I was fine on both counts. No myopathy or neuropathy, so woooo!

It's now December. Family doctor refers me to a neurologist who can't see me until February (I see him Monday). I've had very few "fainting" episodes, but the cold/numb feeling in my legs has never left. It's constant. I don't feel cold to the touch, it's internal. Also, I have had a number of times where my muscles just give out. No severe accidents, I usually catch myself. Worst of it has been dropping groceries, soaking my aunt's kitchen in coffee and on very graceful face-plant that I am very glad no one saw.

I am very happy that one by one, I am able to tick off my illnesses as manageable. Hoping it continues.


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