Recently eating good food makes me really emotional...

Jan 18, 2016 22:31

I don't know why, but the simple pleasure of being able to eat what I can makes me very happy.

For instance, I went to the grocer's today to find my favorite number branded orange but there weren't any left. So I bought a different variety to taste in the car before going back to buy more. My mom asked me, "How does it taste?" And I couldn't justify it, and said, it's not very very sweet, like the one from last time, and its a tiny bit tart but its really delicious!

I had a strong moment where I felt very grateful for this tiny juicy sweet orange and thought its like a blessing on earth lol

Then I had a similar reaction to okra. It's such a simple tiny vegetable, but its got so many, many health benefits and so simple in its cooking (though way pricier than average veggies at home lol) that I was really happy of being able to eat it.

I guess its because its been awhile since I had either. I've been eating manderins all year long last year and haven't truly eaten an orange, so I thought it was divine heh.

reflection, food; recipe

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