Art Walk: 12:31

May 04, 2011 23:24

Originally published at Curious Zoology. You can comment here or there.

The 12:31 photography series is creepy and captivating.  It is the work of Croix Gagnon (concept) and Frank Schott (photography), but could not have been possible without Joseph Paul Jernigan donating his body to science after his execution.

Jernigan’s cadaver was sliced into millimeter thin sections and photographed, resulting in 1,871 images for the Visible Human Project in 1993.  The photographs in this series were created by displaying these sections on a laptop screen which was then moved around during a long exposure.  This results in Jernigan’s body recreated in a ghostly light.

I have to wonder about his reaction to being turned in to a digital ghost.

neat things, science is beautiful, photos, creepy, art walk, art art art

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