Originally published at
Curious Zoology. You can comment here or
It’s a new year so I did a little sprucing up around these parts.
I’ve updated the
2010 gallery and started the
2011 gallery. I’m going to try and keep them up to date as much as possible, but I’m not making it a resolution since I know myself and I don’t need to set myself up for failure.
Something that is a little exciting is that I’m setting up my
store. At the moment one can purchase a small commission and I will soon open up taking orders for Moustache Octopus:
Moustache Octopus wants to be your friend
Moustache Octopus is a light green color with a coppery brown moustache. He comes with one accessory which can be eyebrows, eyeglasses, bow tie, necktie or top hat. Each one will be made at the time of ordering and while I don’t expect this to actually be a problem, I’m only going to take 2 to 3 orders at a time so I don’t feel overwhelmed and can keep enjoying making these little dudes.
I should be opening them up for orders in a couple of days and I’ll also be adding the extra t-shirts from the Kickstarter project sometime this week or the next.
Honestly, I’m not expecting to be making living wage money from this, but it would be cool to make enough to cover the costs of web hosting and materials so I can keep making little things.