*The Josh-Groban-sings-30-tv-theme-songs bit is cracking me up.
*Who did David Boreanaz piss off to have to present with Lauren Conrad? Though it was cute when Heidi Klum said he starred on "The Bones".
*Where is
Danny Strong???
*Woo! Amazing Race continues its death grip on best reality show!
*Wow! Big upset in best dramatic actor - I expected Hugh Laurie or Jon Hamm (and the cynical part of me expected James Spader AGAIN).
*Tina Fey's acceptance speech made me a little teary.
*Phil Keoghan got screwed. He wasn't even nominated! (Probst is better than Seacrest, I guess.)
*Woo! 30 Rock! Woo! Mad Men! DAMN - Elisabeth Moss is looking HOT in her silver dress. Christina Hendricks looks like a goddess, but then, she always does...