found this on the craigslist job ads. Wow...unless this guy is mentally deficient in some way, I feel really bad for him. The last thing he probably needs at 22 years of age is his parents directing his social activities. Our intact and emotionally healthy family is seeking one or more tutors, male or female, probably between 21 - 25 years old, to work with a 22 year old, bright, attractive, and intermittently very shy young man who will benefit from upstanding and respectful interacting with a mature peer who can suggest, organize, facilitate, and carry out opportunities for social exposure or experiences. We, and a group of four other similarly-situated families, believe the experience in social interaction will help him become more at ease, more comfortable in social settings, stepping out of his safety zone by experiencing success in small talk, community or volunteer activities, and shared social experiences. His interest in and retreat to computer games has contributed to a limited range of experiences, but he formerly has been a copious reader, plays tennis, chess, softball, and bowling, likes climbing, biking, ice skating, horseback riding, and outdoor activities and used to speak some French. The tutee had one semester of college and is now employed. The goal is to broaden his public and peer level social experiences and social skills and build self-confidence through conversations, activities, and wholesome outings. Tutee is participating in this endeavor, aware that he and others need experiences of community and acceptance to help overcome shyness.
The tutoring hours are flexible and depend on the dynamic that is created and the number of outings that seem appropriate. The pay is $12.00 per hour plus your expenses (price of admission, transportation for local outings, etc). The hourly rate can rise when a student/tutor relationship with appropriate boundaries is formed and functioning.
We are looking for a responsible, outgoing, resourceful, compassionate, socially competent, liberal young man or woman who does not smoke, drink, do drugs, or party hard as a social activity, and who lives relatively near. Current and local references as well as a personal interview are necessary. Can begin immediately, once these criteria are met.