Blah blah GLEE

Sep 28, 2011 22:19

I have all these thoughts about the new season of Glee that I always forget to write down, but, after watching 3x02 I Am Unicorn my first and foremost thought is, Kurt, that silvery jacket is HIDEOUS. Like, Blaine's enormous pink bowtie hideous.

No more Puck/Lauren?
I liked Puck when he was with Lauren. Although I must admit that I liked him in IAU too. He's really growing up.

Quinn, however, is decidedly not. I was mentally cheering Schuester on as he called her out on her victim-playing and let me tell you, agreeing with Schuester is not something I normally do.

I really, really hate Kurt's clothes so far. Blaine's been hit-and-miss for me (the sunglasses were too much of an actor-bleed) but Kurt's clothes are just a whole world of NO for me.

I don't know yet what to think of Mercedes' new boyfriend, mostly since she got pissy at Kurt for trying to set her up with a black guy (and then she started dating Sam, who might be a fake blond but is still light-haired) only for RIB to give her a black boyfriend anyway.

I like Artie so far!

Blaine is a junior SO WHAT IS THIS FUCKERY. whatevs, more Darren is never bad in my world. Unless they break Klaine up in which case I will cry.

Also, calling it now, before Asian F is going to shoot it to smithereens: Blaine will be an incredible doormat for Kurt and then about ten episodes later Kurt's going to be called out for treating his boyfriend like a handbag instead of a human being and it will be a call-back to all those die-hard Kurt-fans who just wanted Kurt's boyfriend to be a Kenn doll and who were villifying and slut-shaming Blaine for daring to not immediately fall for Kurt OMG HERESY. And I will point and laugh. It will be a reverse 'Blaine and the Pips' scenario.

But I do hope it's Kurt offering Blaine flowers in Asian F because really, it's about time he started proving he is a great boyfriend too.

Also I really, really don't care about Schue's relationships. Emma, get the hell out of there. Dump his ass and start dating Beiste. (ohey. i could get behind that)


Sugar is ablist. That doesn't mean RIB are.

Beiste is blunt and to the point. Although it might just be cultural standards, but I got what she meant when she called Kurt 'too much of a lady' to play Tony and I didn't think it particularly homophobic. Because, honestly? He is, and needed to hear it.

Blah blah I have THOUGHTS on their auditions in IAU, but the gist of it is: Kurt didn't do a good job auditioning for Tony. He did a good job of showcasing what Kurt Hummel can do, but he didn't show anything about what he could do as Tony.

Also, I want Darren Criss' talent to make his eyes look that huge. That takes talent.
mostly i just want his eyelashes, though


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