Dec 17, 2010 23:09
New Dissidia gameplay videos: aaah do want. Though I wish SE didn't suscribe to jiggle physics with Tifa. On the other hand, oooh fist fighter! what am I saying I hate fighting in melee range, that's why I always used Kuja to Ultima-spam everything to death. I suck at fighting games.
Laguna looks ridiculous and yet awesome. The Orphan's Cradle stage is amazing, Lighting is hot. I would watch the Vaan VS Tifa fight again to scrutinize the Skyfortress Bahamut arena but I'd probably get distracted by the fight. They hit the way Vaan moves right on the head, though; it's amazing. I hope his victory pose changes for every weapon he equips, but the Tournesol-pose is really cute enough. Though LOL, it's the strongest sword in the game and it's a pain in the ass to get and yet he's using it as a chair. LOL Vaan.
Also, I got Kingdom Hearts somethingsomething Days (shut up, it was a sale) and it's pretty cute! I am sadface at Marluxia and Larxene disappearing so quickly (sob CoM) but on the other hand I get access to Riku pretty soon! Also LOL at me thinking I can complete a KH game. I'm still stuck in the Cave of Wonders in KH1. And am getting creamed on beginner mode in Days.
Xion is... okay, I guess? I know the spoilers so I'm not quite as vehement about her as I was when I first heard about the game. Roxas is pretty cool (haha 'so what's my job when we have vacation?'). I still don't care about Axel, though I am loving his interaction with Saïx. And Riku definitely put all his points in Intimidate and Blunt Force instead of Diplomacy.
...I still think it's ridiculous he can be blinded, though. I mean, he walks around with a BLINDFOLD ON. He fights and navigates by USING HIS NOSE AND EARS. Why does his accuracy suffer when blinded, WHY?!
Also also I really need to practice my blocks.
kingdom hearts,
final fantasy