This game loves me

Jan 09, 2010 23:31

One of the Silver Falcons just referred to me as Caedmon's new pet \o/ Although I bet Caedmon would be mortified if he found out.

Also Leucetius had two Demonsblades and then he upgraded to something else, something orangey and glowing, and suddenly he knew Holy Win. And then I told him to focus on Mystic, and he went back to the Demonsblades and lost the Weapon Art *sadface*

Also, David should hurry up and learn Snowblind already. Otherwise I'll probably (okay not really) regret giving him the Frostblade. He upgraded it once already, so he doesn't suck as hard as before, but from what I gathered, Snowblind is a rare, long-range Weapon Art. I guess Dave really is just useless in close combat. All his specials are long-range.

What also surprised me was how short both Rush and David actually are. They are either the same height or David is slightly shorter, and Rush is just barely taller than Emmy, and seems to be of a height with Glenys.

I fought two Observers today. The first died rather quickly, thanks to Torgal and his Cerulean Rain spamming. The second Overdrived in the second round :( I think it took me the better part of an hour and about half of my healing components before it finally gave up. And I only lasted that long thanks to Namul Niram. Although David's Union surprisingly survived five Hexes in a row, one round. That was rather awesome.

So now off I go to bind more Remnants! Long live the wiki.

by any other name would smell as gay, square enix owns my soul, the last remnant

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