And still my pile of unfinished games grows...

Oct 16, 2009 22:25

So I ditched Vesperia for Dissidia: Final Fantasy (mostly because Dissidia's on a handheld while I have to play Vesperia in my parents' room) and then finally got my hands on Lost Odyssey after which I started playing Dissidia again (without actually finishing LO, go figure). So game logs really are imminent, if I actually go and take the time to ( Read more... )

games are too awesome for tags, whut, final fantasy

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bowensilverclaw October 16 2009, 20:49:55 UTC
And Chrono Trigger is still on that pile, huh? ;)

You'd better start soon chica, I even got it myself a little while ago (not that I've had time to start yet, but let's not talk about that :P).

Also, got my hands on FF IV DS, and I love it XD

See you on tuesday :)


zetsuboubilly October 16 2009, 21:13:33 UTC
Haven't finished Dissidia yet or just too addicted?

I have a PSP go now and played the demo. Nice nice, but not my cup of tea. Pretty pretty graphics~

Addicted to Final Fantasy VII atm, somehow it works better for me on PSP than on PS2. Also, LocoRoco is probably the cutest game I've ever played. <3


bowensilverclaw October 16 2009, 21:29:27 UTC
Only awesome thing about VII is Red XIII ;)


zetsuboubilly October 16 2009, 21:41:38 UTC
no wai.
(also, no spoilers plz)
I like Sephiroths story. And Clouds, of course. I'm very curious what's next...
(you can read my review sunday @ )


bowensilverclaw October 16 2009, 21:46:55 UTC
I'll look forward to it, and don't worry, I'm not as bad as Jorine ;)


clonechild October 17 2009, 12:37:36 UTC
I am personally looking forward to Cid Highwind. Of course, I have a massive weakness to Dragoons. I guess you know now who to blame for that ^^;


clonechild October 17 2009, 12:36:23 UTC
...I, uh, actually saw the ending. I do, however still have to finish Shade Impulse with anyone other than Cecil (although I raped Chaos in about half a minute with him).

It's sort of a strange game in that it is both a fighter and an RPG. But thankfully it doesn't have the long string of commands you need to input for fighters so even I can not fail at it too hard. Read: when in doubt, overlevel and play Kuja for cheap Ultima spam.

FFVII is waiting for me on that pile of games...


clonechild October 17 2009, 12:33:18 UTC
Tsk tsk.

FFIV DS is great, isn't it? Although I see a lot of people complaining about the difficulty. Augments can break the game so hard. What do you think about the thought bubbles in the menu screen?


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