Gaming: Radiant Mythology

Apr 01, 2009 10:51

Tales series fangasm behind the cut.
Blahblah blabbity blah )

tales of, games are too awesome for tags, whut

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bowensilverclaw April 1 2009, 10:12:51 UTC
Apparently your character isn't the only one who got infodumped.

Good god, woman, what a wall of text, my head is still spinning...

Also, is the main badguy supposed to be a dude? If so, they failed even harder with this one than with Sephiroth...


clonechild April 1 2009, 18:35:32 UTC
Word vomit would be the correct term, I think.

And it is indeed a guy. The voice makes that very clear and anyway, I'm used to the bishies. I didn't have any trouble with identifying his gender. Why, did you get a Bridged dropped on you? If that's the case you might want to watch more anime and play more JRPG's. Or how about a better example, like Ion from Tales of the Abyss? He truly makes a delicious trap.


bowensilverclaw April 1 2009, 19:16:08 UTC
No, no Bridgets, never had that happen (might have something to do with the fact that I'm not into animated characters or anything as well ;))

And I wish I had the time to watch more series, I'm way too busy for that at the moment...

See you tomorrow ^_^


zetsuboubilly April 5 2009, 23:45:06 UTC
word vomit... that's a funny term xD

My my, Jorine, you are such a Squareslut. Yes I am quite the hypocrit here. Also: reply to your mails. It's not that hard is it? :)

Now that that's out of the way and I'm done bitching, how's it going?


bowensilverclaw April 6 2009, 17:40:02 UTC
Forgive my intrusion, but yeah, she's a real Squeenix fangirl :P

And yeah, keeping up with e-mail (let alone her cellphone) seems to be a real challenge.

Sorry 'bout that, but it's just fun to nag her every now and then :D


zetsuboubilly April 6 2009, 17:50:20 UTC
Haha I know exactly what you mean. =P Doing nothing but Final Fantasy on vacantion xD I've known her for 5 years now...
You're one of the D&D guys right?

Nagging her is fun yeah ^__^ (she likes to return the favor though)


bowensilverclaw April 6 2009, 18:00:59 UTC
Yep, one of the D&D guys, the name's Joop in case you care :)

5 years, wow, how long did it take you to figure out she was a nutter? (Sorry Jorine, like I said, sometimes it's just too much fun ;))

And yeah, she can return the favor, but I've been able to handle it so far. It's mostly us teaming up to cause severe brain damage to some other people though, I'm quite horrible myself as well.

Say, you wouldn't happen to be that friend of hers who's the Naruto and Code Geass (or as we tend to mockingly call it, Code Gay-ass, something you probably already know) fangirl?

Aloha ^_^


zetsuboubilly April 6 2009, 18:25:43 UTC I can't think of someone else, I guess I am =")
but I'm not a Naruto fangirl anymore =P
So you're insane too? =) (I've read some of your journals) Poor, poor people who have been victims of your combined horribility.
Jorine likes to bash on everything, in particular things I like. So harsh.
Say, what else did she tell you about me and my horrible taste in whatever? =")


bowensilverclaw April 6 2009, 18:36:12 UTC
Wow, at least you kicked the Naruto habit, that's at least some improvement ;)

What do you mean 'too'? Are you ready for the looney bin as well? :P So far our victims don't seem to have changed that much, but then again, the people we both hang out with are beyond redemption anyway. At least as far as 'normal' society is concerned.

And yeah, she likes bashing, but then again, with things like Naruto and Code Geass, can you really blame her? The only thing I remember her bashing that I like is Bohemian Rhapsody (followed by 2 socks to the face by the way, don't ask...)

As for what else she told me about you, I think it was mostly the bashing of things like Naruto and CG, no prolongued expositions about your personal life or anything if that's what you're afraid of :)


zetsuboubilly April 6 2009, 18:54:41 UTC
Oh don't worry, I am not afraid. :)

And yes, I can blame her for not just mindlessly enjoying series, because that is what I like, for example. I don't see anything wrong with CG - I do see something wrong with Naruto though.
But let's not talk about that shall we, unless you want another pair of socks in your face. =)

Oh, and I don't consider myself insane, at least not in the way you are, as you have said yourself. I may be crazy on some other things... Ah well. We all have our weird habits.


bowensilverclaw April 6 2009, 19:05:05 UTC
Oh, it was Jorine who got the socks to the face ;)
Also, bring it on :P

As for the insanity, I don't necessarily consider myself (or most people in my social circle) insane, just not conformist to what is viewed as 'normal', and I like it that way. I am who I am and if you don't like it, that's your problem :) (and yeah, it took a long time to figure that one out...)

So, weird habits, it's all relative :)


zetsuboubilly April 6 2009, 19:10:50 UTC
It usually takes people a long time to figure that out to it's full content. I'm almost there. :)

When I take a look at your journal (and your taste in music) I too think you're not the stereotype of 'normal'. No offense on the earlier reply about insanity, I was just kidding with you =P


bowensilverclaw April 6 2009, 19:17:16 UTC
No prob, a little joking around is fine with me :D
And good luck with your path towards enlightenment (tm) ;)

Ow, and the music, there's plenty more then that, I've got a pretty eclectic taste (still need to get back a lot of my old stuff though since my last PC died...) :)


zetsuboubilly April 6 2009, 19:30:05 UTC
Do you have a Last FM then?
I think I saw something about Serenity on your journal but I'm not sure if you meant the band... Cause almost nobody knows that powermetal band but their music is SO good <3


bowensilverclaw April 6 2009, 19:42:21 UTC
I think I used to have a couple of their songs, I'll need to get those back. The Serenity I was talking about in my LJ though was the movie following the Firefly tv series.

And no, I don't have a Last FM, sorry.

Also, you like power metal (among other things I ofcourse)?
Have a cookie :)


zetsuboubilly April 6 2009, 19:48:44 UTC
Yeah, in fact I like powermetal, thanks for the cookie ;) Serenity is one of the best bands in that genre, as is Sonata Arctica of course. I saw them live twice.

( I hope you don't mind us Jorine, spamming your lj >=D And if you do mind: tough shit. )


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