Procrastinating, lalala...

Jan 20, 2009 16:13

After all, the early worm is for the birds.

So I decided to fill out that question list again, hopefully now without LJ eating my coding and making me delete the whole thing. And a game meme, since I'm putting off studying anyway.

1. How Many People have Viewed your Profile?:: Like I know. How do you check that anyway?
A- AREA CODE YOU ARE IN RIGHT NOW:: Oh geez what was it again (is shit with numbers). Okay, so I stole a look at Joop’s meme and apparently it is 0031. Ooooh yeah, now I remember…
B- BIRTHDAY:: In May. Most likely during exams again. I always have shit luck with the timing.
C- CURRENT CRUSH:: None. I don’t do crushes.
D- FAVORITE N0N ACH. DRINK:: Tea. Also ice tea.
G- GO TO FOR ADVICE:: Uh… My parents, I think? I don’t know. I always forget to ask it. If it’s for school, my classmates; for D&D, the crazy guys.
I- I THINK ABOUT:: Ahahaha. Games. Books. What I want to draw or write, sometimes. But mostly my current mania. Which is most likely the last book or game I played. So right now, it’s TWEWY.
J- CURRENT JOB:: Waitress.
K- ANY KIDS:: Pffft.
L- I LOVE:: Gaming. Reading. Drawing. Free time. Sweets.
M- FAVORITE MOVIE:: Uh… Lord of the Rings, probably. Though I like Amélie as well. IDK. I don’t really have a favourite.
O- OTHERWISE KNOWN AS:: Huh? My phone number otherwise known as? Like I’d tell the net my nicknames.
P- FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE:: Right now it’s Nina. Though I like Amour as well.
Q- A LITTLE QUIRK ABOUT YOURSELF:: I don’t know if it could be called a ‘little’ quirk, but I can be really obsessive about my hobbies. And memorize lots of trivia about it. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be that way with my school books…
R- LAST ROAD TRIP:: Not everyone is American, you know. My country is way too small for road trips anyway. Three hours by car and you’ve crossed it. Two hours by bike from my house gets me over the border with Germany.
S- DO YOU SMOKE:: No. It smells.
T- FAVORITE TV SHOW:: Don’t have one. Don’t watch much tv anyway.
U- COLOR OF YOUR UNDERWEAR:: Uh… *checks* pink.
V- LAST TIME YOU WERE IN VEGAS:: … … … Yeah I got nothing.
W- LAST CALL RECEIVED ON CELL PHONE:: Oh, I don’t know… Like I ever use that thing anyway.
X- X-RAYS TAKEN:: Once, at the dentist’s
Y- YOUR SCREENNAME:: … Look up and check for yourself.
Z- ZODIAC SIGN:: Taurus.

1. Gum:: I don’t do gum. It makes me hungry.
2. Restaurant:: Wok.
3. Alcoholic Drink:: I also don’t drink alcohol. It’s nasty.
4. Season:: Spring. Except for the allergies.
5. Type of weather:: Slightly cloudy, breezy, below 20 degrees C and above 15.
8. Late-night activity:: Sleeping. Also gaming. Or my pc.
9. Sport:: ‘I don’t do the whole sweating thing’. Um. Does going to school by bike count?
10. Movie:: Redundant question is redundant.
11. Store:: The comic store. Also the Free Record Shop.

_______When was the last time you_______
12. Cried:: IDK. Probably last week. I cry really quickly.
13. Played a sport:: Hahaha. Last year?
14. Laughed:: Just two seconds ago.
15. Kissed someone:: Yesterday. My mother.
16. Had sex:: *checks self* Nope, still asexual. Still apathetic. So guess.
17. Felt depressed:: Yesterday. Exams do that to a person.
18. Felt overworked:: Uh… That’s some time ago.
19. Faked sick:: Some time ago.

___What was the last_______
21. Word(s) you said:: ‘Good luck with [somethingsomething exam]’
22. Thing you ate:: biscuits.
23. Song you listened to:: ‘Give me all your love’, from the TWEWY soundtrack. And let me tell you, that is one disturbing song.
24. Last thing you drank:: Multivitamin.
25. Place you went to:: My room? I’m right there now. Outside the house; university.
26. Movie you saw:: What was it called again… ‘Stranger than fiction’. Last weekend.
27. Movie you rented:: … I don’t remember. Probably something retarded. I do remember that one of the last times I was at a videotheque I bought FFXII, so at least it brought me something good.

_______Who was the last person you_______
28. Hugged:: My mother.
29. Cried over:: My uncle. At his funeral.
30. Instant messaged:: And yet another thing I don’t do. Man, I’m boring.
31. Danced with:: My little sister? I think. Otherwise, in the summer vacation, with my friends.
32. Shared a secret with:: IDK. Normally I don’t really share secrets. That sort of defeats the purpose of it being secret. But, my mother, I think. If telling her what I bought my brother for Sinterklaas counts.
33. Slept with:: Yeah. Redundancy.
34. Fought with:: Either my mother or my brother. They’re pretty much the only ones I fight with. Often.
35. Went to a movie with:: Looooooong ago. I can’t remember.
36. Saw:: That road constructer I passed when on the way home.
37. Were angry with:: See 34.
38. Can't take your eyes off:: Ahaha. Redundant question strikes again!

_______Have you ever_______
40. Danced in the rain:: Maybe. When I was small.
41. Kissed someone:: Sure. Family.
42. Done drugs:: Nope.
43. Drank alcohol: A few sips. And then I decided I really didn’t like it.
44. Partied 'til the sun came up:: At old year’s eve. Although it wasn’t so much partying as just playing Miller’s Hollow until six in the morning.
45. Had a movie marathon:: IDK. Probably that LotR marathon I went to with a few friends.
46. Gone too far on a dare:: I almost never choose dare.
47. Spun around till you got dizzy:: A few times. When I was a child.

_______My life_______
48. Name:: Jorine
49. Age:: 19
50. Gender:: Female
51. Gay:: Nope. Asexuality is a viable sexuality, you know.
52. Nationality:: Dutch
53. Religion:: None
54. State or province you live in:: Dutch state, obviously. Gelderland

55. I'm feeling:: Lazy. Procrastinating.
56. I'm listening to:: Nothing. Just typing noises.
57. I'm doing:: …Filling out this thing, evidently.
58. I'm talking to:: Dot dot dot.
59. I'm craving:: Sweets. Also more free time.
60. I'm hating:: EXAMS. BUUUUUUURN.
61. I'm dreading:: SEE ABOVE.

62. Love is:: Boring. Not for me. Something I have trouble with feeling even for family. (Yes, my mother and I are planning on seeing a psychiater for that.)
63. My first love:: A boy at my primary school. Though I still haven’t worked out whether I actually liked him or just decided I was in love with him because apparently being in love was all the rage and he was the only boy I actually got along with.
64. Love or lust:: Neither. I get by just fine with ‘like’.
65. Best love song:: Uh… I like several just fine.
66. Best love quote:: ‘The greatest opposite of love isn’t hate. It’s indifference.’
67. Possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time:: I don’t know. Probably.
68. When does love hurt:: Uh… When a loved one leaves, I guess.
69. Are you in love:: No. The whole apathy thing does not mix well with that.

_______Opposite/same sex_______
70. Turn ons:: Nothing. Even the idea of having sex with another person turns me off.
71. Turn offs:: Pretty much everything obnoxious. Also people getting into my personal space.
72. Do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you?:: Never gonna get one so this question is pretty much N/A.
73. Hairstyle are you into:: Longish-ish but not too long. Short can look great as well.
74. What is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?:: Uh…
75. Where do you go to meet new people?:: I don’t.
76. Are you the type of person to give and ask for numbers?:: No. Why would I? Unless they’re my partners for a school project, but even then e-mail’s good enough.

_____Picky Picky_______
77. Dog or cat:: Neither. I’m allergic.
78. Short or long hair:: Both. Although having it too short makes my neck cold. I’m growing it out again.
79. Sunshine or rain:: Rain, as long as I don’t have to go outside. I like the sound it makes.
80. Hugs or kisses:: Hugs. Kisses when not from family = GOD GET OUT OF MY PERSONAL SPACE NAO KTHNXGOODBYE.
81. Xbox or ps2:: PS2. I don’t own any Xbox games.
83. Cars or motorcycles:: Cars. As long as I don’t have to do the driving. I don’t have a license.
84. Coke or Pepsi:: Coke
85. House party or club:: House party.
86. Sing or dance:: I like both pretty well. I get tired pretty quickly though.
87. Freak or slow dance:: Slow. Takes less energy.

88. How are you today?:: Alright. Putting of studying in favour of filling this stupid thing out.
89.What pants are you wearing right now'?:: Old jeans.
90. What shirt are you wearing right now?:: A black one with ¾ sleeves.
91. What does your hair look like at the moment:: Messy. Pulled back.
92. What song are you listening to right now?:: Who makes these things anyway? Does no one ever check to see whether questions are in this more than once?
93. How is the weather right now?:: Cold. Somewhat sunny.
94. Who are you talking to on the phone?:: I’m not on the phone, moron.
95. Last dream you can remember?:: IDK. Probably something retarded. For some reason my dreams always are. Like that one with the swimming pool and the whale.

GAME ★ The World Ends With You
GEN CHARACTER ★ Joshua. I’d probably hate him in RL, but as a character in a game I really appreciate the way he talks, mostly because I’m not on the receiving end.
MALE CHARACTER ★ Um. I got Josh covered already, so… Kitaniji. What can I say? I like how devoted and loyal he is. Especially for essentially being the Big Bad.
FEMALE CHARACTER ★ I… am actually fond of them all. Shiki, Rhyme, Uzuki… Konishi slightly less, but, as with Joshua, I really like her role in the story.
VILLAIN ★ Minamimoto. He’s just so much fun. Also, Kitaniji again. I don’t really know if Joshua counts.
NPC ★ Ken Doi. Shooter Dan, Shuto and Nao are fun as well

HET PAIRING ★ …Shuto/Nao, Uzuki/Kariya. What. Uzuki totally tops him.
F/F PAIRING ★ Shiki/Eri.
M/M PAIRING ★ Neku/Joshua. What. It’s practically canon anyway. I also might have something of a secret desire to read a bit of slashy Kitaniji and Joshua interaction.
OT4 ★ Nope.
OT6 ★ Nope.

HATE ★ The fans wanking about it being like Kingdom Hearts. It isn’t. Sure, the character designs might resemble the KH designs a bit, but that’s mostly Nomura’s fault anyway. And personality-wise, Neku and Sora are nothing alike.
FANDOM ★ Um. Generally sane, I think? Also way too freaking tiny. And not enough nice, long, plotty Neku/Joshua fic.
WRITE ★ Hahaha. I’m not cruel enough to inflict my writing skills on this fandom.
DRAW ★ No. The only fandom I’ve drawn something for - seriously drawn for - is Meine Liebe.
GRAPHICS ★ No skills with anything but MS Paint. That should say it all.
LIVEJOURNAL ★ ? So from now on I'm going to ignore the last four options since the answers would all be the same anyway

GAME ★ Final Fantasy XII
GEN CHARACTER ★ Reks. I might be more than slightly fond of him, considering how little he was in the game. Also, he’s totally a mage. With daggers. Or a katana. Or other weaponry that uses speed and magic stats.
MALE CHARACTER ★ Vaan. I just. I adore him. I don’t get what the majority of the fans has against him, really. Llyud is also really cute. And Kytes.
VILLAIN ★ Vayne, Cid and Venat.
NPC ★ Um… Montblanc. Also the bangaa who was apparently Reks’ best friend.

HET PAIRING ★ Vaan/Penelo. I don’t really hate Larsa/Penelo, but it just really squicks me. It’d be like dating one of my youngest sister’s classmates.
F/F PAIRING ★ This game is really het. Really. Um. Maybe Al-Cid’s assistants sometimes sleep with each other? Totally at Al-Cid’s request. So he can watch, the pervert.
M/M PAIRING ★ Basch/Reks or Tomaj/Reks. Shut up. I’ve never found something for the latter.
OT4 ★ No.
OT6 ★ Maybe the whole main party? I mean no.

HATE ★ Larsa/Penelo, although that’s more of a dislike. Balthier/Ashe.

GAME ★ Final Fantasy IV
GEN CHARACTER ★ Kain. I’m shallow. He’s hot. Also dragons (though not in-game, fuck you SQ)
MALE CHARACTER ★ Other than Kain… well, Cecil, I guess. Cid’s fun too; he’s the only character with jiggle physics! It’s so much fun making him the party leader.
FEMALE CHARACTER ★ I don’t know, really. Rosa doesn’t really do anything for me (also her clothes are retarded, but that goes for Rydia as well) and Rydia is, well, she lost lots of points with me for being a raging hypocrite. No Edward, you aren’t allowed to cry just because your fiancée just died in your arms, jesus do something useful, but oh no, I can’t melt this icewall because I have an aversion to fire since my village burnt down! So I guess my favourite female character is Yang’s wife. But she probably doesn’t count.
VILLAIN ★ Rubicante. Let’s fight like gentlemen, indeed.
NPC ★ Yang’s wife again. FRYING PAN OKAY? And it’s actually a loot item in FFTA2 <3

HET PAIRING ★ Cecil/Rosa, I guess. Also Yang and his wife.
F/F PAIRING ★ Like there’s much choice.
M/M PAIRING ★ Golbez/Kain. This just hits some of my weak points. Like magickink. And manipulation.
OT4 ★ No.
OT6 ★ No. Why isn’t there an OT3 option in here? Cecil/Kain/Rosa is so totally my OT3 for this game.

HATE ★ Edge’s MDef. The drop rate for Rainbow Pudding. The stupid glitch in my game that caused me to get stuck on the moon, with no way to even advance the plot.
FANDOM ★ Also tiny. And generally good about the OT3.

GAME ★ Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Also known as FFVII: Gackt strikes back.
GEN CHARACTER ★ Zack. ZAAAAAACK <3. You pretty much put up with Nomura’s crush on Gackt for Zack, you know.
MALE CHARACTER ★ Other than Zack, Sephiroth. Angeal. Tseng. Lazard a bit.
FEMALE CHARACTER ★ Aerith. <3<3<3 And I guess Cissnei is pretty cool too.
VILLAIN ★ Angeal, because he killed me an awful lot. GACKTESIS DOESN’T COUNT, HE’S JUST WHINY. Also Sephiroth. And probably Minerva, but I haven’t actually finished this game yet. Whoops? I JUST DON'T WANT TO SEE ZACK DIE, OKAY.
NPC ★ I’ll just disregard the people on your DMW for this, since Zack is your whole party. So… Kunsel, I guess. Even though he’s pretty creepy. No wait, Lazard.

HET PAIRING ★ Zack/Aerith. They’re so cute. The wish-list, ow my heart D:
F/F PAIRING ★ Uh… Dunno. Aerith/Cissnei is pretty much the only option.
M/M PAIRING ★ Angeal/Sephiroth/Genesis. Come on. They so were sleeping together before Genesis went crazy in the head. Also wingkink.
OT4 ★
OT6 ★

HATE ★ THE LACK OF PHOENIX DOWNS. Those things are freaking rare. The huge amount of enemies with an instant-death spell in a game with a one-person party. The inability to skip cutscenes. Nomura’s mancrush on Gackt. Also Genesis, which is pretty much the same thing. I really wish this game came with that nifty feature Odin Sphere had, where you could play it in Japanese with English subtitles. At least then I wouldn’t understand whatever the hell he was blathering about.
FANDOM ★ Dunno. I generally stay far away from the FFVII fandom, unless I’ve read more of the authors.

GAME ★ Final Fantasy Tactics A2
MALE CHARACTER ★ Vaan. Does that count? I don’t know. Also, Hurdy. Al-Cid is pretty useless though.
FEMALE CHARACTER ★ Frimelda is pretty cool. Penelo. I just replayed the beginning of the game and immediately remembered my initially powerful hatred of Adelle. She’s cool after you forget that though.
VILLAIN ★ I still have no fucking clue what it was Illua actually wanted. Or don’t remember it, at least. Probably not a good sign for a villain.
NPC ★ The rest of my clan. Does that count?

HET PAIRING ★ Vaan/Penelo again. Luso and Adelle are too young for me to start shipping them.
F/F PAIRING ★ Probably some of my generic clan members.
OT4 ★
OT6 ★ If you're into orgies, you could started shipping the clans. You freaks.

HATE ★ Some of the laws. 'NO MISSING' IS RETARDED. Getting shafted out of the materials needed for the equipment that teaches the cure spell the first time around. I died so hard in that mission where items were forbidden. The copycat law also earns some hate. Or the 'no standing next to another unit' and then getting surrounded. 'No targeting distant units' and then getting a knockback.
FANDOM ★ Pretty much nonexistent.

GAME ★ Tales of Eternia
GEN CHARACTER ★ Keele. Bitchy, scholarly mage for the win!
MALE CHARACTER ★ Reid, of course.
FEMALE CHARACTER ★ Farah, who is made of win. Meredy is really cute.
VILLAIN ★ Well, Shizel? The fucks who murdered Balir? Nereid.
NPC ★ I can’t recall any really outstanding - oh wait! Kukurle! And the two survivors in Imen.

HET PAIRING ★ Keele/Meredy, Reid/Farah.
F/F PAIRING ★ That would be Farah/Meredy then. Like someone actually writes this. Like I actually ship them.
M/M PAIRING ★ Guess which this one will be.
OT4 ★ Whole main party. Um. Maybe.
OT6 ★ Main party plus Max and Chat? Uh, how about NO. Is there actually even fic about this game? That’s not at least ten year old and really sucky?

HATE ★ The 15-cap on your item list. Why can’t I have more than fifteen of an item, game, why?! The anime is also pretty much made of facepalming fail.
FANDOM ★ Like I said, does this game even have a fandom? Does anyone actually remember this game exists?

GAME ★ Final Fantasy III
GEN CHARACTER ★ Arc. His character art is cute. I also don’t have much else to work with.
MALE CHARACTER ★ Luneth, then.
FEMALE CHARACTER ★ Haha, who else other than Refia?
VILLAIN ★ Oh geez, like I’m far enough to know much else other than his name? Xande, was it?
NPC ★ Umei or something. The old, formerly sleeping lady.
Edit: Apparently it's Unei.

HET PAIRING ★ Ingus/Sara
F/F PAIRING ★ Nothing for this game
M/M PAIRING ★ Luneth/Arc
OT4 ★ Hm. Maybe whole main party. If they ever get enough character development.
OT6 ★

HATE ★ The lack of save points in dungeons. Big Why there.
FANDOM ★ Really freaking tiny. Man, I sure know how to choose them.

tales of, meme, games are too awesome for tags, wtf is this shit, twewy, ffxii, i am sheep, final fantasy

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