Volume 2 Issue 1

Mar 20, 2010 02:19

Welcome to the latest issue of Clois News!

Clark: Lois, I have loved you from the moment I saw you. I love your humor, your passion, the way you just dive right in, even when you shouldn't. Because you refuse to just watch the world. You demand that it be a better place, and because of you--it is. And today, I want to give you as much of the world as I can.
-- Swear to God, This Time We're Not Kidding - Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Upcoming TV
x. Sunday, Mar. 21 - 9:00pm - ABC - NEW Desperate Housewives 6.18 [Dana Delany, Teri Hatcher]
x. Monday, Mar. 22 - 2:00am - Disney XD - Superman: TAS 3.02
x. Monday, Mar. 22 - 8:00pm - NBC - NEW Chuck 3.11 [Brandon Routh]
x. Monday, Mar. 22 - 10:00pm - ABC - NEW Castle 2.17 [Dana Delany]
x. Wednesday, Mar. 24 - 4:00am - USA - Law & Order: SVU 7.08 [Dean Cain]
x. Wednesday, Mar. 24 - 10:00pm - Oxygen - Blue Crush [Kate Bosworth]
x. Thursday, Mar. 25 - 5:00pm - USA - Law & Order: SVU 6.03 [Dana Delany]
x. Thursday, Mar. 25 - 10:30pm - AMC - Superman Returns

Upcoming Comics
x. Wednesday, Mar. 24 - Superman #698, Superman/Batman #70

x. SPOILERS ECCC: Superman Goes to War Panel @ CBR
x. SPOILERS DC COMICS' JUNE 2010 SOLICITATIONS Preview [SUPERMAN] @ Newsarama [Includes a Lois mention]
x. Lost, American Idol, Smallville Headline DVR Gains In Second Olympics Week @ TV By The Numbers
x. SPOILERS The Big Tease 3/16/10 @ Fancast
x. SPOILERS Episode stills from 9.17 posted by tariel22

x. A comparison of Modern Age (LnC:TNAOS) and Silver Age (Reeveverse) Superman by athenesolon
x. Another Superman meme posted by athenesolon
x. Superverses Lois Lane Special Part 1 [audio] @ Multipleverses
x. Of all the Clois kisses, which is your favorite? posted by cloiser_trish

Actor News
Brandon Routh
x. SPOILERS Episode Description for Chuck 3.12 @ SpoilerTV
x. SPOILERS Episode Description for Chuck 3.13 @ ChuckTV
Dana Delany
x. Castle air dates finally confirmed @ DanaDelicious
Tom Welling
x. Ashley Tisdale to co-star in 'Hellcats' @ THR
x. Casting sides for Hellcats posted by tariel22

x. Noel: Noel Neill to appear at 2010 Superman Celebration @ SupermanHomepage

Media: Pictures/Scans/Screencaps/Video
x. EDCC 2010: The Lois Lane Collection Begins posted by xenokattz
x. SPOILERS Wil Moss talks up the SUPERMAN 80-PAGE GIANT @ DCU: The Source [includes a Clark/Lois page]
x. JLA classified page Lois Lane [pencil] by PauloSiqueira
x. Smallville in TV Guide scan by tariel22
x. Smallville 5x04 Aqua HD screencaps by rkc-erika
x. Dana: Personal & Photoshoots @ DanaDelicious

Fandom Contests/Challenges/Awards
x. svlane_icontest: Challenge #38 voting, Challenge #39 posted
x. dcu_freeforall: 2010 DCU Spring Porn Fest Prompts!! [some Clark/Lois one!]

Fan Fic - Oneshots
x. An Old Question by saavikam77 [SRverse. PG. ~1,500 words]
Summary: The last few months have been nothing but a blur.
x. Sheer Will by saavikam77 [Reeveverse. NC-17. ~600 words]
Summary: Lois's mind isn't as malleable as a certain someone would like....
x. Rules of Engagement by sanalayla [M. ~13,000 words. Romance, Humor]
Summary: Three interconnected one-shots covering the time period of Clark & Lois's engagement, wedding, and their third anniversary.
x. And The Bride Wore Plaid by sanalayla [M. ~12,000 words. Romance, Humor]
Summary: Three interconnected one-shots covering the time period of Clark & Lois's engagement, wedding, and their third anniversary.
x. Happy Anniversary by sanalayla [M. ~6,000 words. Romance, Humor]
Summary: Three interconnected one-shots covering the time period of Clark & Lois's engagement, wedding, and their third anniversary.
x. Anniversary Weekend by phoenixnz [NC-17. ~2,600 words. Futurefic, Drama]
Summary: It's Clark and Lois' fifteenth anniversay and they're off for a weekend getaway.

Fan Fic - WIP
x. Period of Adjustment - Part 9/? by babettew54 [SRverse. M. ~3,600 words]
Summary: With the world seemingly tilting toward certain mayhem, Lois and Clark cling to hope and renewal, Lana and Richard show their faith and love for each other, and the League shows the world just how strong they really are.
x. Time's Child - Part 3/?, Part 4/? by athenesolon [SRverse. PG. ~1,000 words]
x. The Return of Lex Luthor - Part 6/? by phoenixnz [PG. ~2,800 words. Drama. Spoilers: Season 7]
Summary: Lex Luthor returns with a few surprises. And he seems to be a changed man. Can Clark trust him? Should he?
x. Faking It - Part 1/?, Part 2/? by individuall88 [Rated: T. ~8,300 words. AU, Romance, Humor]
Summary: She's been on the run all her life. He can't seem to get unstuck. Both are hiding behind well placed masks. But they can't run from the truth forever.

x. 15 icons by rizny [Reeveverse]
x. 43 icons by orphan_kitten [Season 7]
x. 21 icons by christina-kat
x. 43 icons by orphan_kitten [Combat, Noir, Prototype, Phantom]
x. 10 icons by katshakespeare
x. 24 icons by anakaliaandrea [Lois. Season 8]
x. 14 icons, 1 wallpaper by rkc-erika [Lois & Martha]
x. 16 icons by zarajade123 [Season 4]
x. 7 icons, 1 wallpaper by rkc-erika [Idol]
x. Brandon: 31 icons by jehnt [Chuck]
x. Erica: 6 icons by lr-roxy [Smallville, Butterfly Effect 2]

Fan Art
x. DC's Infinite Loves by JMLCommissions [Reeveverse/Smallville]
x. Superman and Lois Lane by lorkalt
x. 2 manips by rizny [Reeveverse]
x. Lois Lane in Noir by xsixty-3ight
x. duck away to save the day by cyclonekat [Clark]
x. Dean Cain by ArtLucie

Fan Vids/Picspams/Misc. Fanworks
x. Picspam: This post has lots of comics! Clois. by kabuki_party
x. clois_daily: Justice, Apocalypse, Toxic, Stiletto, Gone
x. erica_daily: Spirit, the three girls, Pariah, season 6 promos, Recruit, 3/13, Lucy
x. Music Video: Bless the Broken Road by gmurray122
x. Clark/Lois scenes in Season 4 (Part 1) picspam by _onebreath
x. Clark/Lois scenes in Season 4 (Part 2) picspam by _onebreath
x. 9x15 'Conspiracy' picspam by _onebreath

If you have any suggestions/comments about the newsletter, news you'd like me to post or news you'd like me to remove, please comment on the most recent issue (comments are screened) or e-mail cloisnews@gmail.com. Anonymous comments are welcome!

volume 2

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