9x08 Idol
Lois: The Blur has an imposter nipping at heels? How did you let that happen?
Clark: It's not that simple. They were just misguided fans. I'm not turning them over to the D.A.
Lois: Without proof, nobody's gonna buy the misguided-fans angle. You're risking a lot to protect some feckless meteor freaks.
Clark: Maybe. But doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?
Lois: Oh, you want to go there? Let me tell you about second chances, buddy. There's a way you treat a woman. It's called respect.
Lois: So just because you're some fancy hero...
Clark: Lois, I tried.
Lois: There is no try, Skywalker. You have superpowers. Why don't you pick up a phone?
Clark: Lois... you're just gonna have to do something you've had trouble with lately.
[ Crackling ]
Clark: [ Normal voice ] You're gonna have to trust me.
[ Dial tone ]
Lois: Smallville.