So besides posting some pretty caps for you all each day,
clois_daily is planning to have much more then that!
First Monday of every month: A new challenge will be posted- how these challenges work will be explained in the challenge 01 post!
Every Thursday: REC day. We're planning on opening a grand rec post so that if you have anything to rec you can comment there to let us know and we'll be posting any good Clois recs each Thursday!
Spoiler-Watch: Anyone can post a spoiler watch! Just a discussion/information post about any new spoilers coming out related to Clois/Lois/Clark. PLEASE Warn for spoilers, put Spoiler Watch in the Subject title and put everything under a cut!
Events: Events aren't planned and can also be posted by anyone with an idea, however please specify that this is an event by saying so in the subject title. Examples: EVENT: Music, EVENT: Halloween, EVENT: episode party. An event related to music could be a giant thread dedicated to reccing music that you love or that reminds you of Clark and Lois. Halloween could relate to sharing scary stories. And an episode party would basically be a squee fest over whichever episode is airing that night!
Also, please welcome out newest mod: