Fic: The Things We Lost (12/?)

Nov 16, 2011 09:03

Title: The Things We Lost (12/?)
Author: Babette babettew54
Category: Smallville (AU)
Characters: Lois/Clark/Kal-El, Tess/Oliver, Lex
Rating: T
Summary: Lois and Clark must accept the cruel reality of their separation as they try to get back what they had lost.
Word Count: 2,600
Spoilers: Dominion (10.19)
Disclaimer: DC Comics, Warner Bros. Entertainment owns these characters (well, except Andrew), dangit!
A/N: Well, as it turns out, this is not the final chapter. It was getting way too long, close to 5,000 words, so I split it into two. Also, I'm putting this up a little early so you won't have to wait too long for the rest of the story. The final chapter will be an epilogue and a look into the future. So, in this 'next to last chapter,' Lois and Clark get bad news, Tess and Oliver consider the possibilities, Lois and Clark get back to work, and later, promises are fulfilled. Thanks, everyone! :D

( Chapter 1) ( Chapter 2) ( Chapter 3) ( Chapter 4) ( Chapter 5)
( Chapter 6)( Chapter 7)( Chapter 8)( Chapter 9)( Chapter 10)
( Chapter 11)

( Click here to read Chapter 12: The Light)

fanfic: smallville

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