After this weeks episode of Smallville its difficult to actually critic cause honestly all I want to do is GUSH
I think I'll let the gifs do the talking... From the moment this episode began I felt like this
Thank you Sir can I have some more. Crossfire took off running from the very beginning the scenes at Good Morning Metropolis were smart, funny, and sexy. Clark's "I bought a new Tie" was absolutely priceless. I'd be the first one to say that I wasn't happy with Clark's standing Lois up during Echo so the fact that they mentioned it again during this episode thrilled me and made me feel justified in my upset. I loved the continuity they are showing in these episodes. Clark's "how else am I going to get another date" is made of win. The segue to Chloe walking down the steps at the DP was awesome too. Loved seeing a sunny Chloe for once. Also that Clark's adorable confused look about Online Dating deserves a second look
The introduction of Mia as the future Speedy was done smoothly how much did I love the show of girl power...
between her and Tess with Zod as well.
Although I didn't think it was necessary last week for Lois & Oliver to have what seemed to me like the closure talk, I still did very much enjoy the scenes with Lois and Oliver this week while Clark was in her ear. Clark's "What's going on?" and Lois'"I don't Know!" were the cutest moments ever. But, that entire scene gave us one of the best bad ass moments of Clark I think I've seen in the last 9 seasons
. Of course Clark's hurt face and his comment about having high hopes totally redeemed him in my eyes from Echo. I can't praise TW enough for those scenes he was so amazing.
This was a truly balanced episode and nothing showcases that better then the last scenes of this weeks episode were every women in one way or another got her man:
And of course Lois definitely got her man!!!
So as much as i was trying to be objective I can't honestly think of a moment when Crossfire missed a step... Chloe was Chloe again. Clark stepped up and went for what he wanted. Tess showed Zod what she was made off. And Oliver stepped back into his recruiting shoes. And even though we aren't getting any clois next week (from what I hear) I'm still looking forward to Kandor!
My theory .... remember its a theory not a spoiler... the Kandorians are actually clones and that's why they didn't pop out with their super powers.