Smallville 9.04 Echo Picspam + Review - Featuring Clark/Lois

Oct 21, 2009 13:49


This show has just been really visually stunning and pretty this season and I can't help, but want to picspam almost all of it. I love how they're able to use the actual Superman symbol this season, too. It feels like it's all finally starting to come together and it's only gonna get better from here on out.

I can't lie, I didn't think anything would ever be able to restore my faith in Smallville again, but Clark and Lois and this season have definitely managed to do that. It feels good to enjoy my show again. Until they frak up again!

Lois: Clark, did I miss him?
Clark: If by "him", you mean me, barely.
Lois: Not you, the blur.
Clark: He was long gone by the time I got here. I was just trying to call you.
Lois: From a pay phone?
Clark: Apparently.
Lois: How'd you get here so fast anyway? My guy met pd. Didn't leak this until a few minutes ago.
Clark: We can't all be as fashionably late as Lois Lane.

I love it when they walk beside each other, they're so pretty. So much movement, it's almost hard to keep up with it, but omg look at the way they're looking at each other. Look at the placement of his arm, the way they're both looking down and then back into each other's eyes. JHLJADFJKADF! Seriously. LOOK!

Lois: Hello, Sailor.
Clark: What'd you just say?
Lois: You should get your hearing checked. Hot stuff.

No words, just lots of <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3!!!

Lois: God, I'm dragging ass today. I should go for coffee. No, no, actually, I should really get a b12 shot. I have to keep up with Clark. You know you got to remember what The General always said. On certain days, you wear certain underwear. And, today of all days, why you decided to wear a thong - Hey Smallville.
Clark: You're in a good mood today.
Lois: Would be in an even better one if our black-clad hero in hiding would have stuck around long enough for a quote. We'd at least know what the hell happened back there.
Clark: What happened back there is, the blur saved all those hostages, end of story.
Lois: There's always more to the story, grasshopper. Word on the street is the bomber isn't the one who flipped the switch. It was on a timer.
Clark: Why would the bomb be on a timer?

Lois thoughts crack me up, loved the mention of The General, and Clark trying to hide his amusement at the thought of Lois in a thong. rotlf. ♥ And, it occurred to me that I've forgotten to somehow mention, that I love Lois's fashion sense (oh, and Clark in those suits and that purple shirt this episode, whoo hot!) this season, it was fantastic last season as well. But, this season it's been so pretty just like her hair. If I could bottle her hair up and sell it like crack, I totes would. It's too gorgeous.

Lois: I don't know. I'm not a mind reader. Why would you take hostages and not take any demands? No voicemails? No emails? Just be a big girl and get over the fact that the blur downgraded you from confidant to sidekick to nobody.
Clark: Lois.
Lois: Computer's frozen again. Doesn't help that stupid intern Jeff took the last stupid maple bar from the stupid doughnut box.
Clark: Here you go. My eyes are bigger than my stomach this morning.

So many pretty shots of Lois this season, I think I could possibly od on all of them. I swear, there's just something about Erica this season, can't put my finger on but she's amazingly gorgeous. Of course, she's always been, but for some reason she just seems to be this kind of glow-y pretty. And, the chemistry between Lois and Clark, has been off the charts amazing this season. Not that it ever wasn't, but this season it's a bit more special.

Lois: No. Okay, I love you.
Clark: A bump in blood sugar might help you from punching someone.
Lois: True. Give me that. Whyever whoever did what he did, he couldn't have picked a less-interesting place to have done it. Run-of-the-mill textile factory?
Clark: Run-of-the-mill textile factory which is a subsidiary of Queen Industries. You think it would be enough to get Oliver's attention.
Lois: That only matters if Ollie's sober enough to give a crap.
Clark: Yeah, you might be right.
Lois: What'd you say?
Clark: What?
Lois: What?

Thought it was completely adorable that Clark got her the doughnut, but really - a half-eaten one, Clark?! You could have done better, lol. But, nice try, though.

I really couldn't help, but include this because it's so damn pretty and what can I say, I'm all about the pretty these days. ♥

I really kind of loving all of these black/white Fortress of Solitude scenes, they're kind of awesome and I love seeing Clark in them. But, man were the caps hard to clean up and colorize. Ugh! Or maybe I just suck at that. lol.


Lois: I haven't seen you eat a thing all day. Owed you from earlier, low blood sugar and all.
Clark: Look at this. Thanks for taking care of me.
Lois: Wait. Now we're even.

Heh, leave it to Lois to even the score. Cute. And, it's a little flirty-flirty with a side of Lois taking care of Clark and he's acknowledging it, with that smile. I love Clark smiles, because Clark smiles make me smile too.

Lois: What else did you find out?
Clark: Mr. Murphey, our mystery man's puppet, just got out of surgery. He's still unconscious.
Lois: I've hit enough dead ends for today. Really no reason for us to keep hanging out here, then, huh?
Clark: You're absolutely right. Why don't we just call it a night?
Lois: That's good. I have plans. Lifetime and some chunky monkey or rocky road. Maybe both.
Clark: Lois, I was hoping we could grab something to eat tonight once we finished up. You said yourself I hadn't eaten all day.

Clark asking Lois if she'd like to grab some dinner once they've finished up, had my heart all a flutter - even though it wasn't exactly a date-date. It's the start of something, at least he's not standing her up - yet. (Hiiii, Infamous anyone?)

Lois: Is Clark Kent asking me out on a date, like a date date?
Clark: I'm not saying we should go on a date.
Lois: Oh.
Clark: Just a date.
Lois: As sweet as that notion is, Smallville, this is Metropolis on a Saturday night. We ain't getting in anywhere without a reservation. Except maybe the truck rally downtown, but there's no way he'd ever -
Clark: We could probably get tickets to the monster-truck rally down at the colesium. It doesn't start for a few more hours.
Lois: Shut-up! I'll meet you there. Standard protocol...two cars at the beginning of the night, no drama at the end of it.

Oh, no fair. Reading her mind like that Clark, but that's a good idea anyway. lol. Hee, Lois "shut-up!" God, I love her mind sfm. And, she's smart too. Just look at their smiles, it makes me smile. *draws hearts around their smiles* <3<3<3<3<3<3<3.

Ollie, Ollie, Ollie, what are we gonna do with you? You're such a mess and you're gonna get yourself possibly killed too, messing around with another man's ol' lady. lol. But, I still love you. And, on a totally shallow note, you weren't shirtless this episode and Tess looked all kinds of badass with that gun. (I'm convinced there should be at least ten minutes devoted to Oliver's nakedness in every single episode from here on out. lol. Because, he's hot!)

I'm really loving the storylines that they've given both Tess and Oliver, this season. It seems they've given Justin/Cassidy so much to work with and I can't wait to see how it further develops. Plus, these two just look worlds of pretty on my screen and their chemistry is frakking epic.

Lois: That is the weirdest thing. Me and Clark. I don't know. We certainly kick all kinds of ass at work, but lately, it feels like we're more than just partners you know? I think I've gotten so used to carrying the load all by myself, what if I don't have to anymore, you know? Clark and Lois versus the world.


The Chlo-Lo, has been pretty this season, especially this scene. (Lo, has so much love for Chloe, I just wish that Chlo could be a little more sincere sometimes. Not that she isn't entirely, but there are moments where I'm like, "okay, Chlo...come on, Chlo.") Nothin' but love, <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3.

Yes, I'm guilty of still shipping these two, but how could you not when it's so obvious that they both still care about each other in their own fucked up way. See, the concern flashing across Tess's face and see the way that Ollie is sort of looking back over his shoulder, while she still has her hand on it? They're so pretty, angsty, and omg!complicated - it's hard NOT to ship them.

And, it's not really hard for me to ship Oliver with just about anyone. See: Lois, Tess, CLARK, and even Chloe a little bit (though, it took me quite a while to get to that point). I think, I could actually go there this season, but waaay later in the season, after Chloe's finished mourning the death of Jimmy - which, we so won't get into b/c I still get mad every single time I think of it.

Clark: Kennair.
You have a plus-one tonight Mr. Kennair?
Clark: Lois.
Lois: I can handle this, Smallville. You've already done enough tonight.
Clark: What are you doing here?
Lois: Standing in the shadow of 6 and 1/2 feet of handsome. No, he doesn't get off that easy. Kick his ass! Do you honestly think that stacked parking, not having a cocktail dress, and being three steps behind you on your mystery-man story was gonna stand in my way?

Lois showing up with a monster-truck, is really kinda...PRICELESS. And, Clark's reaction to it, when he see's her behind the tired totally made me LOL a lot. Love Lois' thoughts again, with the six and a half feet of handsome and the kick his ass, because she's not about to let him off THAT easy and well, she shouldn't. lol. Once again, Clark stood her up.

Clark: I can explain.
Lois: I know how the boys' club works. You wanted to scoop me on a story. Prose before hos.
Clark: Now, wait a second.
Good evening.
Lois: How could you be so stupid, Lois? This was never about more than a story. Maybe it never will be. For your sake, there better be an open bar, because I think that bone dog has my purse in his truck.

There were some gorgeous shots of Lois and Clark, in these scenes. Poor Lois, she gets stood up at the Monster-Truck rally, only to find Clark at the Queen Industries gala getting the scoop before her. Prose before hos. Clark, tries to explain but she won't let him.

Clark: Now, Lois I don't need your help on this one. I can do it on my own.
Lois: Maybe you'd like to think that you can, but we all know there's no way.
Clark: This is my headline.
Lois: Oh, god, why would you let yourself get attached, Lois? You know better than that. They always leave. You know what? Maybe you're right. I'm gonna get some air, some really private air. I'm out of here. Good luck flying solo.
Clark: Lois.

They are so gorgeous, in these shots. And, I love how they make such a cute couple, in them too. Lois's arms around his neck and then straightening his tie, too cute for words. I kinda felt bad for Lois in this one a little bit, but they look so pretty looking at each other like that.

I love Clark and Oliver scenes, so much. It doesn't matter what kind they are, they're just so pretty and these are particularly angsty. Again, some fantastic material that Justin's been given to work with. Plus, these shots are just visually beautiful, especially the one of Oliver through the window. Not to mention, the fact that he's been reminded of murdering Lex, once again. Come on, knew there would be consequences for your actions, didn't you?

Again, with the pretty. Gah, this show is absolutely killing me, but Clark and Ollie just have a way of making any scene they're in pretty. And, Chloe comes through for Oliver with the click of a mouse and the press of a button. I can't lie, that was pretty awesome and I sorta hope that later on this season, they kinda do the whole Chloe/Oliver thing a little bit. God, that's something I never thought I'd hear myself say.

I have such love for this scene it's, EPIC. I kinda loved it, when Clark asked Ollie how he knew there wasn't a bomb and Oliver says, "I didn't." And, Clark just looks at him and he says, "I waited until the last person got out. I knew it wouldn't hurt you." Wasn't too crazy about the fake!Lex, just a reminder that teh Rosenbaum is no longer there and it makes me miss him even more. But, looks like Ollie's facing some dark times. Maybe Clark can help him through them or something.

Tess is seriously badass. TRUFAX!

Clark: You missed all the excitement last night.
Lois: If I remember correctly, it wasn't my excitement to have missed. Was it? I was expecting to read about the exploits of Metropolis' journalistic savior this morning.

Okay, aside from how visually pretty this whole entire scene was (total points to SV for that one, btw) I have to say that I loved Lois strolling into the Daily Planet with those sunglasses on, and Clark seeing her through the blinds and the look the two shared. He knows that he messed up and he's got to find a way to fix it.

Clark: That's the thing, I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew.
Lois: Really? What's this? "Billionaire bomb defused."
Clark: It's uh, me asking for help.

Uh-oh, something tells me that Clark might have bitten off a little more than he can chew, but he's definitely trying to make up for his big uh-oh and it's so darn cute. But really, these are some beautiful shots and I'm so in love with these two. ♥

Clark: I didn't exactly finish my story last night and I missed the deadline. I guess I'm not ready to fly solo just yet.
Lois: The sky is a big place.

Gah, I have so much love for these two. Or well, Lois especially. I love her, "The sky is a big place." And, Clark trying to reassure her that he still needs her, that they're a team and he's not ready to fly solo just yet. Come on Clark, just tell her you love already, damnit! lol.

And look at that shot of, Lois?! ALFJDALJKFAD! Just, beautiful. ♥

Lois: There. Looks like you've got too many names on there.
Clark: I just thought you might want to have some creative input. I am sorry for letting you down.
Lois: Is this an olive branch? 'Cause there better be a whole tree in there somewhere. And maybe a new pair of jeans, too. It's not everyday Lois Lane allows herself to be stood up.
Clark: Then it's a good thing it was only like a date.

Hee! Clark's extending his version of an olive branch and Lois wants the whole damn tree. lol. Well, knew it was gonna cost you. You don't just get to stand Lois up again! and get away with it that easily. Oooh, but as long as it involves flirty-flirty 101 like this, then I think I can totally be okay with it one or two more times.

Clark: I don't even know how someone would get a second date after messing things up like that.
Lois: Well, if people were to try that again. They might want to do it in a slower news day...hypothetically speaking.
Clark: Those don't come along very often.
Lois: No.
Clark: I'm sure people would make sure they got it right next time. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Lois: My thoughts exactly.

Oh, hypothetically speaking, of course. lol. Okay, Smallville...when are we actually going to get to see them out on a real date-date?! Don't you think we've waited long enough? *G* But, really...I love that shot at the end of the episode (albiet not one of the better endings to a well-rounded episode, but still good enough that I can be totally okay with it) between Lois and Clark, and the Daily Planet sign in the background ready to take over the world and everything it has to throw at them. Beautiful, sheer perfection. My ship, that is. ♥

Sorry, about the coloring being so crappy on some of these caps, but I did the best that I could do with that. Please don't use these graphics in anything else, because it took me FOREVER to clean them up and put this picspam/review together. I'm talking THREE DAYS, srsly - it took that long. The caps are courtesy of homeofthenutty, hanakt (thank you bb, for sharing your caps with me ♥), and

episode discussion: smallville, picspam

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