Even livejournal has changed. I'm tired so this may be shorter than I originally planned.
Ummm, not sure what to update on. Darian and I are having semi-amounts of fun. Mostly because I only get 3 hours of sleep a night and he's now big and smart enough to get everywhere he isn't supposed to be. Utilizing my moms step stools and whatever large cars to get to high counters everywhere. He's also figured out how to unlock doors and locked my mom out of the apartment while she was watching him.
Speaking of stools, I'm having a hard time getting him to go in the toilet. I've gotten him to do it once but he just magically decided to do it during a bath. I think he does it when he has no diaper on and has no other choice. These diaper things need to stop.
Still trying to pay everything off Anri left me. If you were wondering about the 3 hours of sleep thing it's because I took Darian out of daycare this month so I can have the extra $450 to help pay off the furniture bill that's been torturing me for the past 6 months. $3500 should wipe that clean and I can move on to the next one with $300 more a month.
I guess me and Anri are gonna try to get back together. I'd be more enthused about it if we had talked in the last 2 weeks. Call me! I guess I'm fine with her but I kinda wonder why I never took advantage of being single again...I don't know. I never was the kind of guy to go after girls anyway and since Darian was born I've stayed at home more than ever. I guess I do know why then. I hope it works out but I need to see her more often. Once a month is gay.
I actually played DDR again since my legs were holding up well enough for it and I was trying to find another way to slim down quickly (yeah, I'm overweight...196 right now?). It was annoying because it was $1 for 3 songs and the left pad sucked donkey balls. Also the Ingram crowd is annoying still.
Decided that I am getting out of the Air Force no matter what. Work is fucking terrible since I got here to Lackland. The main problem is that I don't want to do computer work anymore so I'm kinda in a bind. I have 6 years of experience in computers but I've gotten so sick of them that I can't stand the thought of working on them anymore. Maybe once I get out I'll be okay with it but until then I'm gonna plan on doing something else like accounting...or changing oil.
Finally (Since I'm about to pass out) this morning was garbage. I went home from work early and I had to go back at 7am but...my mom had somewhere she had to be at 8am and I normally don't get back from work til then soooo....I decided to get in trouble and not go and...my mom takes Darian over to grandmas anyway and calls me at 8am to see if I picked him up when I was in my room the whole time and all she had to do was tell me she left. So I had to wake my ass up and go pick up a very awake Darian (who is sitting in my lap) for no reason other than women are evil. Hope that made sense.
Dallas drafted alright and Spurs keep winning.