up north

Aug 31, 2005 15:31

So I noticed this when I was here two years ago... cashiers in stores up here don't say "thank you" when they give your your receipt and/or change.  Now, I'm totally used to receiving a "thank you" and always reply with another "thank you."  Really, its an automatic thing.  Back in Texas, cashiers always thank you and you thank them back... its simple.  Here I always end up being the only one who says it.  Sometimes I get a "you're welcome," but more often I get something like, "uh-huh.. sure."  What's up with that?  Is this a northern thing or just a cashiers in the Safeways and CVS's of DC thing?  Either way, I hope I never become jaded like these people and stop being polite.

However, I also hope I'm never like our dear Texas governor quoted in this NY Times article:

"By the grace of God, we could be the ones who have this extraordinary need," Mr. Perry said. "This happened hundreds of miles to our west; these are our neighbors. These are people in need and Texas is going to do everything we can in our power to help."

Hmm... I didn't know there was a hurricane in New Mexico, too.  I should call to make sure my family and friends in El Paso are alright and not flooded...

...in shame over our governor's stupidity, that is.

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