Mar 13, 2014 21:24
All it took was this thumb of Puck. I miss him so much. Everyday. It's been almost a year and still I think about him everyday. Something is wrong with me. One should not be hung up on an animal so much. But he was with me for 20 years. Yes...20 YEARS. I look at my cats now and I want to bond with them and every day I know I bond more and more but the bond I had with that little guy was beyond words.
Olive ~ she's like a dog in cat form. She greets me at the door, flops down and demands belly rubs. She adores sitting on my lap if only because usually the binary blanket is on it. Does not come when called, is defiant, and yet follows me around the house like a child.
Zula ~ is me in cat form. Is scared of everything and has a secret hiding place in Jason's closet in the luggage. Hyper and playful but only likes to be petted if under covers. Does not like attention. But sleeps at my feet almost every night.
I love them both and yet...I miss my Puck. It kills me I was unable to be with him in his final hours. It's grief combined with remorse or guilt maybe. In the end my decision was that moving him yet again would not be beneficial. My ex (M) gave him to his parents who live in this HUGE million dollar home on the mountain. He became a mouse cat who loved the outdoors. I could not take that away from him.
Feeling better now. Dinner is almost ready.