Jan 20, 2010 12:04
I am finding that I like my new therapist. He was referred to me by a friend which is helpful. As usual I accidentally fell asleep before setting my alarm and woke up with only 5 mins to get to the appt. Called and left a message saying I doubt I could get there in time. He called back and said even if it's for only a few mins. at least then he could bill insurance. So jumped in the car and went.
He's not doing the usual start with your history and why you came in today stuff. He said that he wants to get to all of that but right now he wanted to go over my previous diagnoses and asked what symptoms I've had in the past and how they compare to now. I've always disliked that 'on a scale of 1 to 10' stuff personally. There are the numbers that automatically jump right out and then the ones when I really take time to think. Tried to do an honest assessment though. He yet again reiterated that he thought it would be good to ask my primary care doc for medication, or go back to a psychiatrist. Due to the fact that I require medication for both anxiety/ptsd and adhd it is going to be tricky getting the right types and dosage which I fear. Not quite looking forward to the dance of pills. Really hoping to avoid that. Man I remember the one 'therapist' (who turns out was an RN) I swear every time I went in she switched or up'd the dosage of medication and in a matter of months I got to try out what seemed to be every SSRI on the market.
I like that he's going slow. He's not diving into my past and not trying to just work with the issues/triggers I have in the moment. Lets all cross our fingers that I continue and not miss appointments. I really am trying.
Today is calm. It's a weird feeling for me. I'm sure if I really thought hard I could stress myself out but that would be no fun. I kind of like clam, I could get use to it.