New Therpist ~ First Session

Jan 12, 2010 14:57

I always dread that first appointment. You would think by now I would be an old pro at this, and in some ways I guess I am. Having been in and out of therapy since high school I have learned to keep general track so when you go in you're prepared. So on file I have the following:

* general history review - to keep me on point and from tangents
* previous medications and history of diagnoses
* list of things I want to work on and issues both overall and situational I wish to address

I find it's easier to just give them those papers; then as they review the info ask questions and go from there.

Overall I guess it went well. We discussed my heightened anxiety. And when I say heightened we're talking debilitating here. Those who know me are aware I have anxiety issues and overall usually I can cope, but right now it's almost crippling and I hate it because rationally it sucks having your body freak out and only so much you can do about it. He validated the fact that what I'm going though right now is enough to drive anybody to a nervous breakdown.

When I told him that I was surprised at how calm and coherent I was in the session he gave me that "oh dear this is you clam now I'm worried" look, and mentioned I may want to talk to my GP about anxiety medication options. I don't know. I've been medication free for months now and it kind of feels good knowing that the emotions I have are mine and not the medication.

He also randomly said "you have a very active mind" to which I replied "please make it stop" and almost started crying. Pathetic right? *sighs*

Bah now that I'm back home the thoughts are starting to slowly creep up on me again I need to breath.
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