Jan 12, 2008 10:55

A bit late but hey, who cares?

The Ultimate 2007 Survey

Did your appearance change this year?:: Hm... not really, but looking at photos from a year ago makes me feel like I did grow up a lot, haha.
Did you grow emotionally?:: YES!
Did you improve at anything?:: Cooking! I could hardly do anything else than a cup of rise or pasta and considering that, honestly, I do think I got pretty good at it.
Did you discover any new talents?:: Being a ski instructor for kids! I wouldn't have thought I'm good at that, but I gave it a shot and loved it. My boss was very happy with me and he asked me back this season.
Did you dye your hair?:: No.
Did you get any really cool presents?:: Yes, my best friend gave me a Cheese Fondue Set for Christmas. :) Okay that was 2006 but I count it. ;)
Did you get in trouble for anything?:: Uhm.... not really, I had to take 2 exams a second time cause I failed first time, but I got an A in both at the end so it wasn't that big deal for me.
Did you get any awards?:: No.
What's something that you're proud of?:: How I've managed to organize living on my own.
Did you do anything that you regret?:: No.
What did you do on your last birthday?:: My friends came over and we had a little BBQ/Raclette combo dinner. Fun fun fun! And they baked me a cake I didn't know about. :)
Did anything weird happen to you?:: Not that I remember.
Did you stay up all night?:: Yes. After Erik's victory in Garmisch, I got home & just wanted to write news and add ceremony videos to the site and when I first looked at my watch it said 6:10 AM. *laughs*
Did you throw any parties?: I made traditional Swiss cheese Fondue for my friends and as mentioned, the dinner on my b-day and I do consider those parties. It doesn't need to be 50 people!
Did you get drunk?:: A bit tipsy twice I think, but not drunk.
Did you get high?:: No.
Did you go on any vacations?:: Three weeks in the USA with my family in September. Wonderful!
Did you do well in school?:: I guess so. And I now know for a fact moving to Innsbruck was a right decision.
Did you have fun this year?:: Of course!

Did you make any new friends this year?:: Yes.
Did you lose any friends?:: Not exactly lose, just not talking to them that much anymore (Zurich friends).
Did you have any wild times with your friends?:: Not exactly wild but...
Who are your best friends?:: Daria, Maja, Siru
Did you fight a lot with friends?:: Hardly ever.
What's a memorable time you had with friends?:: Our Fondue, Raclette and BBQ dinners.
Did any of your friends become MORE than friends?:: No.
Did you run up your cell phone bill talking to friends?:: Yes, a bit, but it's usually around 10 Euros (of which 5 are fix anyway) so I'm totally fine with that.
Which friend did you hang with the most?:: Jenny and Siru.

Did you fall in love this year?:: Not sure... I wouldn't call it love (yet? ;) ), I don't know him enough for that, but I sure have a serious crush on him.
Did you have a steady boyfriend/girlfriend?:: No.
How many people did you date this year?:: Honestly? Noone.
Were you romantically happy this year?:: Yes and no. Sometimes dreaming does it too *laughs* and sometimes I wished there was someone to just tell me he loves me.
Did you kiss anyone this year?:: No.
Were you happy being single this year?:: Overall, yes. It was an exciting and crazy year like that too. And I only noticed 'him' by fall so.
Did you have a summer fling?:: Eh... not really. Some flirting, sure.
Did anyone ask you out but you said no?:: No.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend right now?:: No.
Is one of your New Year resolutions to get one?:: Not really.... it's to finally get the courage to ask him out, I was close twice but then I didn't so.... *laughs*
Did you get your heart broken this year?:: No.

Name one memorable experience:: Being a kids ski instructor.
Name one inside joke from 2007:: "Salad.....!!" / "Imagine your kids not understanding you two... and their haaaaaaaair!!!"
What's one place you wanted to go this year?:: Salzburg!
Did you do anything this year that you never thought you would do?:: Oh yeah. Being a ski instructor! And being there when Erik Guay wins, I doubted I'd ever choose a race to go to in which he makes a podium. *laughs*
What's one thing you're really glad you did?:: Being a ski instructor. Is there a pattern or what?! Let's say I'm really glad I did it, met awesome people and I'll keep doing it for couple of years if possible.
What's one thing you really regret?:: Somehow, moving to Innsbruck cause I can't be a supporter for my mom through her cancer like I wish I could be now.
Did you get arrested in 2007?:: No.
Did you get grounded?:: No.
Did you get really sick?:: Yeah, once.
Did you meet someone that changed your life?:: Hm.... well how could I know what future brings, maybe once of those people (him?) might change it one day?
Did you go to any concerts?:: No.
Did you meet anyone famous?:: Not really.
Did you dance in the rain?:: Yeah!
Did you skip school?:: Cause I was sick, yes. Otherwise, no. I wanted to take that first year really serious.
What was your worst experience of 2007?:: Manuela's death, obviously. Too shocking, too cruel, WAY too early, too everything.
What was your best experience?:: In this order: USA holidays, ski instructor days, dinners with the girls, Garmisch Worldcup

Last Thoughts
What was your best memory of 2007?:: The hike along the Rim Trail at Grand Canyon.
What was your worst memory of 2007?:: Failing one exam, I thought it went well and was pretty bummed on that. Other than that - nothing so negative that I'd remember it!
Did you keep your New Year's resolution from last year?:: No. Stop biting my nails has been on the list, like, forEVER.
What is your resolution for this year?:: Well, stop biting my nails *laughs*. And asking him out.
Do you think it will come true?:: Yes, and yes. :)
If you could have 3 wishes for 2008, what would they be?:: . 2. That I'll enjoy it to the fullest. 3. Not telling everyone! ;)
Was 2007 better than 2006?:: Yes!
Do you think 2008 will be a better year than 2007?:: Yes! :)


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