
Nov 13, 2007 13:12

10 Firsts
First Best Friend::: Michelle
First Screenname::: CBA
First Pet Name::: Strubeli
First Piercing::: Ears
First Crush::: Pascal
First CD::: Dolly Parton
First School::: Ruggenacher I, Regensdorf
First House Location::: Regensdorf
First Kiss::: Pascal... age 6. We wanted to marry each other when we're older and now we get reminded of that aaaaaall the time cause our families are still close friends. *laughs*
First Car::: none

9 Lasts
Last Time You Smoked::: never.... the smell is awful enough so why should I try?
Last Food You Ate::: Lunch - Pizza
Last Car Ride::: Uhm..... over a month ago I guess
Last Movie You Watched::: Lissi und der wilde Kaiser (a German one)
Last Phone Call::: Siru
Last CD You Listened To::: Brad Paisley
Last Bubble Bath You Took::: Last saturday
Last Song You Listened To::: Brad Paisley - Time well wasted
Last Words You Said::: "Bye, see you tomorrow"

8 Have-You-Evers
Dated A Best Friend::: We weren't best friends before we started dating but pretty close friends
Been Arrested::: No
Been On TV::: Yes....dancing stuff
Eaten Sushi::: No, I don't like seafood
Cheated On Your B/F or G/F::: No
Been On A Blind Date::: Yes and I wouldn't do it again
Been Out Of The Country::: Yes
Been In Love::: Yes

7 Things you are wearing
1::: Underwear
2::: Pants
3::: Shirt
4::: well that's it! Okay so.....
5::: Glasses
6::: Watch
7::: Charmbracelet I never take off

6 Things you've done today
1::: Got up
2::: had breakfast
3::: went to University
4::: Talked to friends
5::: Had lunch
6::: Filled out this survey?

5 Favourite things (not in any order)
1::: Photos
2::: Skiing
3::: Dancing
4::: Volcanoes
5::: Winter time

4 People you most trust
1::: Daria
2::: Maja
3::: Siru
4::: Mom

3 Things you want to do before you die
1::: Travel from Moscow to Vladivostok on the Transsibirean Railway
2::: Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
3::: Finish University? Kidding. Have a family.

2 Choices
Vanilla or Chocolate::: Chocolate
Hugs or Kisses::: Can I have both? Okay.... hugs.

1 Person you want to see right now
1::: Not telling you his name. *laughs*


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