(no subject)

Dec 09, 2010 01:57


⒟river ▌ human • genetically enhanced • 26
@ mackons

Driver was just a child roaming the streets aimlessly when the LIONs took him. He was genetically enhanced with satisfactory results. Driver uses his pheromone-manipulating abilities to get what he wants from organic beings -- there are even certain lines of automatons that are programmed to react to them. He's perhaps one of the most carefree and independent of the LIONs, taking his time to enjoy and get to know whatever environment he's in. His psyche seems to be relatively unaffected by the procedures he was subjected to. He managed to sneak away from and evade the same organization that modified him, living a relatively normal life with Andël, the sniper, and Maude, the demon hunter. It was all too soon when the LIONs finally tracked him down.

⒵ero zero ▌ android • stray • 1
@ watchesyou

00 (zero zero) was produced to be part of an ultra secret black-ops group of android known as the numberS. He is analytical, speaks in technical terms and has an objective curiosity. He is the last of his line, and the most independent - which perhaps explains how he (accidentally) strayed from his group, wandering aimlessly and collecting data without a mission to fulfill. He has long been accompanied by Chiinah, a fellow young wanderer, teaching him and learning new things as he goes.

⒵oe ▌ virtual • combat oriented software • 2
@ soldierplugin

Build to be SOLDIER NO. 0039 (John Fiel)'s ACA, Zoe's personality settings are generally friendly, but also very effective. Though she claims that 'socializing' is in her list of interests, she is quick to take the reigns of her designated Soldier when his safety is compromised. She prefers to communicate through the hologram device on John's uniform's palm than by Plug In.

⒰nknown ▌ android • scratched disk • 28
@ restrainorder

Built to be the perfect child in a time where love could be bought in the shape of a humanoid pile of mechanics. unknown was the new best thing out on the market, bought by a wealthy couple with one son and the desire to acquire a younger brother for him without having to go through the hassle of earlier years. unknown's personality settings were set, information about his new family members introduced, and he was good to go. Years passed, and the new best thing was now an old model with nothing new to offer to the mother, father and older brother moving on with their lives. As a result, he was abandoned. Years spent wandering aimlessly without proper maintenance took an effect on his software. unknown is now on a permanent search for his family, mistaking whoever offers a kind word for a light at the end of the tunnel, attaching himself to them to the point of obsession until he's shoved away and back to wandering alone, looking for the next best thing.

⒥ules avery ▌ human • sulfur slave • 25
@ iwillbeswifter

Nicola's older and estranged brother, Jules left the family household when the situation reached a critical point. He sold his soul to become a sulfur slave, dedicating his life to slaying monsters mercilessly. He travels alone, always in silence, incapable of speaking words. The eternal silence is replaced by his supernatural ability, amplifying the screaming voices of humans trapped in their own body. Jules' help is often requested to spot the creatures that come from above. He prefers to work solo, hopeful that his sacrifice will have some significance in the end.

⒮ebastien ▌ human • prophet • 22
@ getnosleep

Maddened and damaged by the insanity that the world has become, Sebastien lies on his throne and on the floor all day, unwilling to move, desperate to fall asleep. He is considered a prophet by accident; he mumbles and babbles all day long, revealing visions of things to come and idle words misinterpreted by humans to give them hope. Sebastien is fiercely protected by his own kind and offers them no real reward for it. His words are enough, all he has to keep him alive. He no longer knows of the world he lives in and he doesn't care; he just wants everything to go silent so he can finally sleep.

⒬uinn kicker ▌ human • quiet • 17
@ wontyoucome


⒝hernnev hryne ▌ dragon • lost • 0.4
@ scalesanfstuff

Bhernnev was taken from his own home planet at a very young age, kidnapped to later be sold in the black market. The little dragon managed to escape from his cage, though, and was later found by a small space ship crew specializing in intergalactic deliveries. He created a very strong friendship with its oldest member, Cameron. They were thought to be inseparable until a strange music box had Bhernnev jump worlds again, this time to wander in the magical world of Splendor.


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