Blood and Fire ~ nominated by Elliska.
Dawn & Dusk ~ nominated by Elleth.
Goldilocks and the Three Balrogs ~ nominated by
Tales of Older Days ~ nominated by
Once Upon a Twilit Time ~ nominated by
thunderatiger and
Spectrum ~ nominated by
The Journal of Alatáriel, Missionary ~ nominated by
A Beleriand Treasury of Childish Tales ~ nominated by
morthoron Thanks so much to those who nominated my stories; and thanks to Virtuella, Elfique, Aislynn, The Lauderdale, Curiouswombat, Windsurfbabe, Raksha the Demon, Morthoron, Wormwood, Kitt Otter, Jael, Obsidianj, Thundera Tiger, Dwimordene, Ignoble Bard, Linda Hoyland, Larner, Dreamflower, Surgical Steel, Tanaqui, Fiondil, Pandemonium, Elleth, Celeritas, Anna Wing, Shipwright's Trick, Clotho, Liadan and Lissas Elves for the wonderful reviews!
Congratulations to everyone who was nominated and
everyone who won awards! My sincere apologies for not giving more of your stories the love they deserved. I had such good intentions, too, but RL intervened.
Finally, many thanks to
ellynn_ithilwen for these beautiful banners! ♥