Apr 20, 2006 00:04
List of items that I have of Coldplay right at this moment (all are individually counted with some exceptions):
1) A Rush Of Blood To The Head poster
2) 'older' Coldplay poster
3) 'newer' Coldplay poster
4) Twisted Logic Tour t-shirt
5) track sweater
6) black Bluenotes t-shirt
7) Parachutes CD
8) A Rush of Blood to the Head CD
9) X&Y CD
10) Parachutes record
11) A Rush of Blood to the Head record
12) Live 2003 CD (plus the DVD)
13) Live 2003 DVD
14) In My Place CD single
15) Fix You CD single
16) Talk CD single
17) Speed of Sound CD single
18) about 10 promo videos stored on my computer
19) a 2006 calendar (almost forgot about it!)
20) various sheet music (not official books or anything, but I'm planning on buying some)
21) and the liberty to say that I've been to see them live! XD