"On a whim, I decided to leave my post at the bar next-door and head up early to check out Holy Fuck. The Toronto-based, electro-experimental 5-piece included Wolf Parade’s sound manipulator Hadji Bakara, who have been making waves across the festival circuit in recent years; and for good reason. They left my jaw as wide open as Britney Spears’ schedule for the next 10 years. [PUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA] In all my life, I don’t think I’ve even had more fun or been as impressed with an opener I had never heard of than Holy Fuck. To briefly try and give you an idea about their sound, think Girl Talk or Dan Deacon, minus the happy-go-lucky pop sentiments and instead replaced with the Kraut-influence of the early Berlin sound or more recently, Trans Am’s The Red Line. Armed with a heaping pile of pedals, children’s keyboards and other novelty instruments, Holy Fuck got the entire crowd jumping and freaking with a set that could only be described as the business side of an LCD Soundsystem show. I highly suggest you pick up their incredible self-titled LP, which comes nowhere even close to how great they are live."
daytrotter.com's Adam Symington Do check out Holy Fuck.
amazingness in a box.