It's been a while since I got this excited about any particular project of a friends so here we go.
I know that I tend to fall in love with any text that includes London as a character but Pass the Parcel is genuinely one of my favourite books of the last few years, the sort of writing and world building that actually upset me when considered against the fact that Stephanie Meyer was published and this wasn't. I was always a bit smug that having an ereader meant that I could carry the book around with me and read it anywhere I wanted and now you can all enjoy this feeling with an a physical copy of your very own!
The world is populated by everything from humans to Artificial Humans, but speciesism runs rampant. Everything that can go terribly wrong does; and while it always comes back to Brazil, it all seems to be going down in London, which is a seething pot of conflicts and crossed wires, as new lies are told and old ones resurface; as old murders are recalled and new ones committed; as history is rewritten; and as a very ugly but potentially extremely powerful statue is passed from wrong hand to wrong hand.
I love this damn book so much that I arranged for it's own website to make it easier for me to harass you about it.
The book.
Purchase it. You'll thank me for this later.