Jun 26, 2007 12:18
I've just found out about Helium.
What the heck is that, a noble gas used in party balloons?
It's essentially an information-sharing site.
Isn't every website an information-sharing site?
Alright, let me rephrase.
Do you know how to do something? Do you know a lot about something? It doesn't have to be something lofty like being an expert IP lawyer.
Maybe you know the perfect technique for boiling an egg, changing a tire, or fixing a broken lamp.
Maybe you have general interest tips about reducing credit card debt, losing weight, or playing an instrument.
Maybe you're opinionated -- you've got a scathing review of that latest zombie movie, or you can't believe there are people out there who aren't listening to your favorite new album.
Maybe you're a creative writer looking for some feedback/input on your work?
Helium is where you go to share these ideas.
But wait, there's more.
You can get PAID for it.
HA! Got your attention now, didn't I?
I believe compensation comes chiefly from your article being seen by other parties.
* Users rate articles -- the higher rated YOUR article is, the more likely it is to be seen.
* Users read articles -- the more popular YOUR article is, the more likely it is to be seen
* Advertisers advertise on articles -- if advertisers are clamoring to put their ads in the sidebar of your MS Vista how-to, you're going to make a share of that money.
* Publishers purchase content from Helium
Payments come via Paypal -- when you earn $25, it gets plopped into the Paypal of your choice.
And, of course, there's a referral program. I invite you, you write genius, I get 5%.
Even if you don't write, it's an interesting site, and the topics are endless. Sure, like LJ communities, there are some articles that are more helpful than others, but everything is reviewed before it is posted, so there aren't any articles that are nothing but cat macros.
I've submitted a couple of my own for review right now -- my sushi tutorial and my fondue tutorial.
If you're interested in an invite (yeah, yeah, you can just go sign up without it, but come on, I gave you the info and I'm awesome, right?), all I need is your e-mail address and a name to which you want your invite sent. (Doesn't have to be your real name, and you can use Pen Names on the site, too).
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random: websites