Jan 07, 2008 23:28
I had this really strange dream. I was in a car with one of my sisters. She was driving in small circles over and over because the gas pedal was stuck or something and we couldn't stop the car. Even after I had the idea to take the keys out of the ignition, it kept going. Afterward, the inner side of my right leg, from my ankle all the way up to my knee was injured. I'm not sure whether or not to associate this injury with that cyclical car ride. It was a large open wound which allowed me to see all of the bone, muscles and tendons in that leg. It didn't hurt, but I was pretty frantic about getting to a doctor for it just based on the way it looked. I was excited to show it to everyone. Some people I showed it to I know in my real life very vaguely, but most of the people were strangers. People gathered around in circles shoving each other and I cautioned everyone not to touch it. I did this because everyone did end up touching it. They'd stick their finger in and be like "Groooosss." One person unhinged a bone and quickly stuck it back in. I'm pretty sure someone stuck a pencil in it too. All of the poking and prodding irritated me to some extent and then I woke up.
I think I might know what this dream was all about, but all that I'm less willing to share.