May 22, 2005 01:02
so i've decided, i can't stay away...myspace doesn't do it all for me anymore. i miss this thing...and i miss kadie and britt's crazy comments/ i'm back!
home from school for the summer...i really would like to go back, though. i miss my girls...i ♥ them more than michael jackson ♥ little boys...and i don't care what macaulay culkin says, michael does love them.
and this is exactly why i miss them.
MissisBrightside: you are talking to the 8th grade spelling bee champion....
MissisBrightside: thank you, no applause is necessary.
MzSmartyPants86: i was in the spellin bee all through elementary school, and i am really good. like a human dictionary BUT on this stupid comp i type before my hands get to the keys sometimes and type crazy things
MissisBrightside: yyyyes! yay for human dictionaries
MissisBrightside: i used to be a thesaurus too...but i retired early.
MzSmartyPants86: i once won the spellin bee in 2nd grade fo spellin the word cola right, it was the only word i knew. i was out sick and i came back and my teacher entered me in the contest and i had 5 min to study all these words and won FIRST PLACE and i only knew how to spell cola i think that was a problem
and nothing is for sure yet...but there is a new ♥ in my life....more information to follow. *swoon*