Wow. People are
bidding on me.
I am incredibly blessed for an f-list like you guys.
I have so much to do lately. This makes me nervous.
But I whacked out 750 words of collegework today in about ten minutes, and then got stuck. PROGRESS.
I need to prioritise but I find this hard to do when I hate college and love writing. Hm.
Ugh. I love Twitter.
Just hit 1000 tweets. FUN.
Random Fandom Moment #47:
I love Quinn/Puck so much. Ugh.
It's not that I hate Puck/Rachel, it's that I can't even see them.
My love for Quinn and Puck and their little mohawk'd baby just blinds me to any other ship. haha.
I need to write them. Or at least her. Soon. After Alex/Cristina. Hm. And then there's that Artie/Tina thing I starte aaaaaages ago.
See? This is why collegework does not get done.