Oh look, GA’s back. YAY.
*grabs out old notepad and pen*
Okay, so if I forget momentarily that the wrong person died. If I try not to hold that grudge against the episode, then it was okay. But for the epic-ness that was the season finale. For the AWESOME-ness that befell it. This was a letdown. It had cute moments, it had some fun, but the thing is with GA. If the episode is not making me laugh, it has to be making me cry. That’s just the way it is. And this was obviously the kind of eppy that had to have some tears, and it didn’t. And I think that’s why I’m left feeling kind of… disappointed.
The thing about the episode is it really didn’t wallow and settle and wade through the beautiful tragedy that was George’s death. It was far too preoccupied with setting up the storylines of the season, that it left me with a kind of distracted feel. It should have been ‘OMG GEORGE IS DEAD. HOW DO THEY HANDLE IT?!?!’ but it wasn’t. It was ‘George died, how sad. Now how do they move on?’ which is totally different. One allows them to sit and react and be. The other is too action-orientated, the other is too much about leaving the mess behind. Which, for me, is not what GA is about. It’s about the reactions, the characters, and how the plot effects them. I don’t know, but a narrative-driven episode was just not appropriate for me.
I think a lot of my RAGE towards the episode comes from the fact that I love George, and I think even if you didn’t, even if he annoyed you, or you just didn’t click with his character; most people will acknowledge that George as a character, as a member of the five of them, as a f*cking integral part of the first three seasons, deserves a better send-off than he got. The reactions were lukewarm, with the exception of Callie (who damn-near broke my heart) and Izzie (who was inevitable) and I don’t know, it would have been nice to see many different coping mechanisms. And not just laughing at funerals.
Okay, LEXIE. *Shakes fist*
I came back into this with a fierce determination not to dislike you as much as last season. You’ve already fricking destroyed my ship, and now you want to pump everyone full of false hope?!!? GR. Seriously, you want to be liked, right? Everyone shouting at Mer peeved me off for the simple fact that people believed Lexie over her. Now, I realise you can back this up with “Everyone is just hoping, and looking to doubt Mer’s accusation. Not Mer. It’s not personal. People just don’t want George to be dead.” Fair enough. But I’d have liked one or two people to be like: “You know, I don’t think Mer would just make this up.”
And then there’s a freckle. A freckle that we have never heard of, but a freckle nonetheless. And Callie checks it out, and again, gives me one of the only realistic reactions. Ugh. The woman is good.
Oh, and chief? Shouting at everyone? Strike one in the strikes of douchebaggery that you commit in this episode. What happened to the chief of last season? All bumbling with the proposal, and then emotional and heartbreaking and looking for absolution from Meredith. That hug that just made everything bad he ever did a little less crappy? OH, that’s gone? Thanks, Shonda. As long as I know what characters you’re going to ruin this season.
I <3 hand-holding.
That is all.
Hey there now, PENISFISH GUY.
Or… WALTER SKINNER!! (XF-friends…)
Nice to see you, and your continuity. Much appreciated.
Chief d-bag #2- you leave fricking Derek alone. The whole reason he came to Seattle and he’s giving it up for you, and you treat him like that? You suck.
Oh, look at you- moment of healthy communication #1 “just being here.” YAY. Remember when our Mer would have run off screaming?! Would be tucked up in some hidey-hole, tequila safely wedged in her grip, avoiding such contact. Now look at her, successfully explaining that she appreciates him, she wants him there, she just doesn’t want to talk yet. YAY.
Oh, and sex on stairs? Good for you.
I like this, because it gives me the impression that they’ve had sex everywhere else. And that stairs was a logical progression.
Kitchen counter? Check.
Bathtub? Check.
Lining cupboard? Check.
On top of drier? Checkaroo.
Stairs? Ch-- No, wait. Not stairs. *Makes way over*
Speaking of sex, no sex for O/C. BUT hawt lingerie scene and looking at each other in bed later on. That look of contentment. Lush. And then “You’re going to the funeral.” I like this. THIS IS WHY HE’S GOOD FOR HER.
It wasn’t a question or a ‘here’s why you should go’ or a big speech about how much she’ll regret it. It was “You’re going. Don‘t even try to argue.”
I love my ship so fricking much. For serious.
That last “You can sleep in the bathtub” scene. Ugh. It was gorgeous. I mean, yeah, bad-- ignoring people’s advice. But ugh, can you blame them?! They’re too pretty not to be having sex 24/7 haha.
Owen speaking to George’s mum was awesome. Seriously, if he was talking to me, I’d just be like: “Mmhm. Yeah, okay. Pretty, pretty man. Dead son. Yummy, yummy. Grieving… Still grieving. Ugh. Lovely voice.” but he has a knack for saying things that are just perfect. You know, no fuss, no frills. He says exactly what he thinks. And it’s always… awesome.
Alex/Izzie- As usual, I won’t go on and on about them, because they don’t mean that much to me. I will say that that they had some lovely hand-holding (maybe not as much as C/O but still =P) and some scenes that made me happy. And I liked them having *real* angst. Alex does it so well.
Allz I can say is don’t wish for tumours, Iz. It makes me sad.
And yes, talking about dead best friend’s is not seductive. Anyone would struggle.
My lost ship Mallie. They’re still there. A little. I miss them though. Seriously. Too much. I need them together. They’re so yummy, and so comfortable with each other, and I might actually write some fan fiction on them just to satisfy my cravings. Ugh.
I hope that (if nothing else) their friendship is explored more and more this season. I hate to think that Callie is going to back off just because of stupid Lexie.
Living opposite each other?!!? Wacky sitcom time.
Underwear and shower time. HUZZAH.
But I know (I KNOW) that he still looks at her boobs. I refuse to believe he wouldn’t. Lexie is not that special that Callie’s lovely self becomes invisible. I like to think Callie was lying to make her feel better.
Haha, it’s not true, but I like to think it.
Speaking of Callie,
“I said RUE!!” Then breaking down in the elevator? UGH!
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Seriously, that woman is full of all special kinds of awesome.
BUT-- d-bag moment #3
Not giving Callie the promotion. The woman is kick-arse. And has pretty hair.
And you’re sucking up a storm, chiefy.
Laughing at the funeral. It was funny. But I don’t know. Having a scene like that detracted from everything. I realise why they did it, and I did like the scene (don’t get me wrong) but seriously? I just saw it as another time when they didn’t mourn George. When he went out without dignity.
Anger ensues.
And final moment of DB-chief!
That last speech.
You’re going to get rid of people.
I’m going to get rid of you, chief.
* British girl. You’re so unsympathetic sometimes. I know you’re in pain, and it’s difficult. But don’t try and kill yourself.
Oh, and listen to Owen, because seriously, the mommy issues? He has them in spades. And he’s oh so wise. And he looks and sounds good while he’s telling you.
So shut your lips, and learn.
* “George would give everything.” He so effing would.
* Bailey and the organs? Much sadness. Seriously. Bailey was pretty good this episode.
* Derek/Mark scene. Aw, the funny. I love them.
* Speaking of funny Mark, the penis-thing. About George being well-hung. Loved. <3
Stop making jokes about it! Seriously. I’m already enraged. Don’t mock it. Don’t give it credence.
* Arizona and Derek- cuteness. “McDreamy” scene was so sweet. You can totally see it.
But seriously, her storyline bored the frick out of me today. =/ I think it’s because I spent the whole time going “Get back to George. George! You know, the one that died! George!!” But yeah,
* How yummmmm is Owen looking? Grief looks good on him.
* Cristina being all avoid-y was kind of strangely heartbreaking. Because you have no doubt that this is her way of grieving, she’s not just being cold and unfeeling because that’s her. This is Cristina’s way of getting drunk and shopping for furniture with cat-like creatures when she can’t actually do that. And then that final moment of realisation. DAMN YOU, SANDRA OH. I love you.
I did like how Meredith explained the situation. But I have to admit, I wanted a little more sympathy out of people. I think Cristina is possibly one of the more fucked-up characters, and sometimes that comes across as mean, it’d be nice for people to just ignore it, as opposed to get offended. You know? Am I making sense? Probably not.
* ‘Speaking a dead language’ was a lush music moment in this episode. Oh, and the reprise of ‘Today has been okay’ during that Bailey and Derek scene. Gosh darn it, I loved that scene so fricking much. (See below for full details)
* Callie messing with the chief. HOHOHOH. I love her.
I think this is my favourite scenes (or one of them, at least); look at how amazing they all are- LOOK AT THEM (You‘ve got Amy Madigan‘s silent horror at them laughing about this, Cristina‘s sudden realisation that this is not funny- that she needs to stop fooling herself into thinking that this could be funny, and Owen’s horror that he‘s the guy that chokes people. I love them all.):
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Oh, and this scene:
The whole recall to an earlier time, the friendship that sometimes gets forgotten amidst all the other crap, the respect between these two, Derek’s face of perfection as he holds eye contact with her. UGH. It’s all just lovely. And then realising that Bailey’s numbness is actually a front. This is her own special brand of avoidance. Lush. And Chandra just has this ability to start crying, or let her voice break, or pull a face that lets me know she’s trying not to cry that just kills me every time.
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So yeah, all in all, pretty good. But it wasn't as good, as great, as it could be.
"George O'Malley died."
And if you stuck with me that long, bless your heart (and your now considerably-damaged brainbox). ^_^