“You can’t be here! It doesn’t make sense for you to be here! I refuse to even believe that you are here!”: When Doc first arrives through the Rift, he’s going to be pretty scared and confused. In fact, there’s a good chance that he may believe he may have accidentally run right back into his hated Arcadia, especially if he sees anyone doing anything strange. This person is going to have to calm Doc down and reassure him that he’s not back where he can be hurt. Er, well, not by faerie at any rate. Be forewarned, this will probably take a LOT of explaining. Revan Onasi (
“Next Saturday night, we’re sending you back to the future!”: Doc’s an inventor at heart - he adores building things to make the world better. He’d enjoy meeting some people of a similar mind, to bounce ideas off of and maybe get into projects together. And if someone’s got a mechanical problem they think Doc can help fix, he’d be happy to give them a hand. Especially if it involves anything that could help him get back on track with the project he wasn’t allowed to finish - his beloved flux capacitor. Revan Onasi (
curtainfalling); Aubrey Ringland (
thecellsiam); Farley Claymore (
clanoftheswords); multiple openings, preferably for fellow inventor-types
“Forget about me, Marty, and save yourself!”: When it comes to friendships, Doc can be very loyal. Someone who proves to him that he or she will stand by him and help him out whenever possible will get complete loyalty in return. Doc would do anything for these people, even risk his life if necessary. When you’ve been alone and scared most of your life, friends like these are very important. Revan Onasi (
curtainfalling); Aubrey Ringland (
thecellsiam); Gladys (
cookiesandhugs); Farley Claymore (
clanoftheswords); John "JD" Dorian (
sensi_doctor); multiple openings
“I wouldn’t give you the pleasure; you’ll just have to go ahead and shoot!”: Although he’s not the most social creature on the planet, Doc doesn’t hate most people. However, this person would definitely give Doc a reason to hate him/her. Maybe they get on his nerves more often than not. Maybe they remind Doc of his hated Keeper, Andrew. Or maybe they keep threatening people Doc really cares about. Whatever the case, Doc despises his person and will do what he can to prevent them from reaching their goals. (Two openings)
“The other great mystery of the universe - women.”: Doc’s never been good with women and relationships. He’s only had two girlfriends in his life, and both were in the relationship for reasons other than love. He’s pretty much dedicated his life to the pursuit of science and invention with little time for romance. But when he falls for someone, he falls fast and hard. If some woman came along who appreciated him for who he was, enjoyed the things he does (especially Jules Verne!), then maybe he’d be willing to giving this dating thing another go. Even if he’s very awkward at it. Donna Noble (