♥ Do anything you want with my icons as long as you don't claim as yours. ♥ Credit is optional. ♥ Comment are love ♥
Tegami Bachi icons dedicated to osaka01 and mairenn_k, who made me want to read the series~♥ Tegami bachi is really a good manga. (Although nothing can beat Pandora Hearts in my mind.) The artworks are really gorgeous! Gauche and Roda are my most favourite. Zazie, too.
I don't feel like want to color Pandora Hearts panels now xD so those are all old colorings of mine. Beside, I don't have that much time, only some days off. I'll try if I can put up a request post for you guys bc the comm is already has 273 watchers! Thank you so much, guys~
One more thing, I really want to color some Natsume Yuujinchou panels, but I don't have the time to find them. Any suggestions?