Had a wonderful long weekend, which included all the house/yard work on Friday, a day of slump on Saturday (what with the foul weather), and a day of finishing up the improvements to the camper/caravan on Sunday.
I've updated the wet bath in the camper from having white vinyl panel-covered walls to smooth, shiny aluminum. It was a heck of a job and I'm glad it's done!
Camper Wet Bath Improvements
Camper Wet Bath Improvements
Now just to take it camping! The next scheduled campout is the second week in July, in Provincetown for Bear Week, but I'd like to use it (several times, if possible!) before then.
Monday I spent the day in New York City with the lovely and talented
bixxy, eating too much of a good thing at Katz's Delicatessen, taking tours of the
Tenement Museum, and walking around until my feet were ready to fall off.
The museum was fascinating but overpriced. The lunch was amazing, and eliminated the need for dinner:
Lunch at Katz’s!
Can you imagine feeding just TWO PEOPLE with all this? I'm surprised we could WALK. But MMMMMMAN IT WAS GOOD.