
May 16, 2017 09:56

I think I have a problem. After I got home last night (after work, followed by a Mom visit, followed by a therapy appointment*), I sat for a few hours at the dining room table, sewing an awning for the trailer. If my design works, it will be nice, and I am excited to see if it will be so. I left the work unfinished last night at a reasonable hour and went to bed.

This morning, we woke up at 5 to go to the gym, but Clay is feeling pretty rotten (he has either a cold or severe allergies) and he elected not to go. This means that I won’t go, because I can’t stand to be there by myself. Meh, whatever.

Finding myself up at 5, I busied myself with feeding the dogs, then got back to work on the awning. At Stupid-O-Clock in the morning. If this doesn’t indicate some kind of illness, I don’t know what does.

After an hour of pinning the last of the hems in place, rather than run the sewing machine I (wisely, I thought) went back to bed.

At this rate, my obsession is going to burn through this project and I’ll be bored again before the summer even STARTS. Our projects usually last until at LEAST September…
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