My official rundown of one of the most epic days to have ever epic'ed. And, also, this isn't strictly Whedon as I had to go see Joe Flanigan after that article yesterday. I was not disappointed. My pictures came out kick ass too.
Cut for the picture heavy squeeage. )
I totally agree with everything you're saying here. I didn't watched the end of SGA. I had to stop before the stupid triangle of doom with Keller and Ronon and Rodney. I did not understand how, all of a sudden, Keller was supposed to be with Rodney. It didn't make sense. And then I heard how bad the direction was and was like no. I can't. I never really got closure with it though.
I didn't originally watch SGU. I was part of the group that said no freaking way. How can I trust these writers/producers who messed up my show so bad and then treated me like I didn't matter? I already had an intense hate for Joe M. I couldn't stick around for Martin Gero (who seems to be doing his own amount of douchey stuff now which saddens me).
I eventually watched a few episodes just so I could be like hey this really does suck. You're totally right that there was no cohesion or sense of family. That's what you get from most shows that work. Why watch a show about people you want to punch in the face? Like one or two characters is okay, but all of them? I think the writers were just so blinded to how much they wanted to write SGU and have "hip and fresh" storylines, but... they're old white guys. Old white guys who are scifi nerds. You're not hip and fresh and really, your audience doesn't care about that. We're not the same people watching Gossip Girl or 90210. But the people watching those shows aren't going to watch yours. They totally didn't live to the writing rule that, sometimes, you have to kill your babies. Sometimes, you gotta know why you're telling a story and what it means and if it even matters and not get blinded by how much you love it. Especially when it's a television show.
Don't worry, I'm all for long rants, as is evident by this comment :)
Some examples of his love of scifi - He's a co-founder of the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle, Allen's home town. His private asset management company is called Vulcan, Inc. He owns one of Captain Kirk's chairs.
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