Dec 12, 2008 09:15
Hakuba shivered, the weather wasn't any better now than when he left Gaia a few days ago. He nearly killed himself driving the iced road, he still needs more driving lessons. The detective couldn't use the flying broom, he gave it to that demon woman, Trish, anticipating that Elphaba would not mind. He imagined that the witch would symphatize with another woman who was being hunted like her, and, after all, the broom will fly back to it's original owner if something goes wrong. If not, he would just have to deal with another psychopathic friend.
The boy realy hoped that all was going well on the Ark...Tyki was really alive, and he remembered Zechs and the community. Such a relief. Hakuba was still worried and a bit scared, but damn him if he was going to left that kind of emotions to take control. Hakuba was in front of Zechs's door now, he had the keys of the apartmen, but he hesitated. Zechs was less than joyful when he prevented him to go to his lover's side for the second time. Knowing that trying to trying to delay the inevitable was useless, he opened the door carefully.
that's the reason i dont' have friends,
psychos are all around me,