Poll Final decision: new username Also: do any of you use lj clients? I- I've always updated by visiting livejournal.com, logging in, and clicking 'Post an Entry.' But clients seem convinient and I don't know which one's the best. Any suggestions?
I think I'm getting back into fic mood again. Nevermind that we have a math report due Thursday and that I have a speech to memorize by tomorrow--an idea of Yuuko conversing with Death has occurred to me, and I shall write it! (Wow, I haven't written XxxHolic outside of requests. First of all, I should really catch up with TRC and XxxHolic in the first place! o_O)
... After I write gift fics and Christmas drabbles, of course. I haven't started on any of them. T_T
I'll probably watch some Code Geass (finally!) today evening. I watched like the first five minutes of ep.1 before I had to go somewhere (ahaha my reaction to Britannia empire was to point at it and say: "continent of America?!?!"). Here I come, vengeful Lelouch!